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=VG= Nyther

VG Clan Member
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Everything posted by =VG= Nyther

  1. Thanks for all the info guys, is good to learn everyday
  2. I changed the size of the task bar, why is that a thing?
  3. Can someone actually give me a good explanation on how this can be usefull and why this is a thing?
  4. I had that problem long time ago, try removing all your RAM cards clean the contacts with a bit of alchool in a up-down motion, let it dry and then put them back on, make sure they are firmly placed
  5. NICE! Cant wait to see you crash another osprey upside down =D jk, hope to see you again komrade!
  6. Probably coming from the same source of the bug on Iron Ridge? BlueFor being able to take enemy vehicle on their main because they were neutral
  7. It's a incredible resiliant armor that does not take shit from anyone
  8. Here I got exclusive image of the new brazilian armor, it should start circulating the military posts in a few months Notice how they test the armor on their newest tank model
  9. It became a joke between my friends when I was teaching them hot to play PR...
  10. This one I dont have any good explanation... I like birds... I like Russia... yeah......... '-'
  11. This one is a inside joke, we have a friend called ReQuisTTeN and we say that he is a drug lord since he is argentinian... FYI: the joke was his idea before you start typing a whole essay about Cyber Bullying
  12. So... when I am bored, dpressed or insipired to do something I find random images on the internet and edit them and I want people to see them because... they took time to make are funny, I will start posting them all on this same post over time as I make them I have some already made so I will start with those and I will post them on by one with some days as intervals just to keep a constant flow of content I hope you guys enjoy This was my last creation
  13. You mean a politician, a lawyer and a insurance seller?
  14. But I live in Brazil there is not "full" moon, the governement took half of it and the other half got robbed
  15. Is this black magic? Is the guy on the screenshot a wizzard and he is trying to curse me?
  16. If you guys check the screenshot section of the forum you can see that I posted a image that doesnt load: It was not my intention... I really dont know what is happening but everytime I try to upload this specific screenshot: The website glitches on me and show me this: If I go to the main page of the VG forum everything is fine but as you can see on the screenshot section my image does not load and it gets uploaded twice :/
  17. =VG= Nyther

    Easter Egg?

    This dude either have a really incredible idea or he is trying to show me de wey
  18. Awwwnn... now he have a friend to spoon hug him :3
  19. =VG= Nyther

    Mr. Badass

    That guy DOES NOT give a damn B)
  20. I took my computer back to the technician and he set my OS to 64 again (for free gladly) and so far PR seems to be running fine... I still need to set my TS again... I am having problem with a missing dll Still PR seems to be running worse as the days goes due to the quality of my aged potato pc
  21. I cant buy more, cuz my mother boards is DDR2 and they dont sell DDR2 RAM cards around here anymore... I think I am just gonna deal with it and wait some months until I get enough money to buy a new entire computer... is better than dealing with this rot potato that I have, it's around 6 years old or more
  22. I noticed that closing Steam, reduced some of the lag but still it dint prevented it from crashing... still looking into it
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