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=VG= Speirs

VG Clan Member
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Posts posted by =VG= Speirs

  1. Sry. I just had to laugh quick - of course tk is not funny! I just would like to say that I have nothing in common with this asshat-teamkiller called "Spears". Unfortunately, my pseudonym is very popular. Apparently the name is used by evil people.

    Castor has recognized it right. "Speirs" is written with a "ei" (if it is the American hero from the 2nd worldwar). Otherwise we might think that "Britney" has changed the industry. A very disconcerting thought lol.


  2. The Great War 1918*
    The Great War is a modification for Company of Heroes meant to bring the war two decades earlier. This mod focuses on the later years of the First World War. Currently the two teams will be the British Expeditionary Force against the German Empire, however with time the team will try and bring some more nations in, such as the France and Austria-Hungary. This mod will focus or realism but keep the game balanced enough to make it enjoyable. Things to look for in the mod are the famous artillery strikes and the infamous gas attacks. Trenches will provide vital cover for infantry while tanks will roll over the battlefield and instil fear into the enemy troops.

    *mod description by moddb.com


  3. especially for you Lupago (!) ... !coop

    Blitzkrieg Update 4.630


    Blitzkrieg Update 4.640


    Blitzkrieg Update 4.641

  4. @Iffn - I was talking about my own performance. I dont wanted to insinuate anything.
    Maybe a hard judgment but when i regard the result afterwards its fair enough.

    We have fulfilled the mission (!) that's what counts. We all have to work on details.
    I am confident and sure that we have a better run at the next mission.
  5. Iffn LAN_WROTE ...

    Assaults on an objective don't always have to follow the road. Doing so from a better or multiple directions through open terrain from different directions is more effective.


    Looking forward to the next events on this scale. We'll get better time we adjust our tactics.

    You're absolutely right Iffn. It was my incompetence as FTL. I was predisposed to act defensive. The firepower was not used effectively cause of the positioning. I would like to quote what you've already said: We'll get better time we adjust our tactics.
  6. AAR - Demon 3

    Demon 3 Vehicle 1:
    Demon3-1 (TL) - Speirs -- 148 CH2 -- 343 CH3
    Demon3-2 (MEDIC) - Iffn

    Demon 3 Vehicle 2:
    Demon3-3 - Nvram
    Demon3-4 - Rev

    I had some issues to lead cause my headphone is damaged. I was able to hear only on the left side. On the other hand there was not much to lead. We where damned to play the taxi for our grunts - that means we're driving from A to B and then we wait until they cleared the town. My Squad and myself didnt expect that we are sitting in a vehicle the whole saturday evening ...

    Demon 3 had almost no kills, the moral was low. We've lost MRAP M2 Prime hit by a RPG 7. Our Vehicle was standing on a hill and i decided to move closer to the town to provide some covering fire. Unfortunately there was alot vegetation and the view on the town was pretty bad. Me and Iffn got heavly wounded. The MRAP M2 Prime was completely destroyed. Praise to the other teams who have secured us very quickly.

    Towards the end of the mission our team has opened the fire on friendly units. I apologize and also take over the responsibility. Please keep in mind the terrain was very flat and many trees blocked the view. All in all we had really bad conditions for direct fire support.

    * clear roles next briefing
    * fixed formation for vehicles

    * formation training with a convoi

    Note: you will laughing at this point but some ppl have no clue what "left" and "right" means. My vehicle got almost rammed by a teammate - the safety distance and driving speed has not been met!

    Wrong formation (our formation):

    Correct formation:

  7. Pastrami =VG= LAN_WROTE ...

    I can't figure out how to draw that cord circle. !wack

    i used illustrator .. ellipse tool .. make a circle .. effect disort and transform ...zigzag .. size&ridges per segment ..
    copy that circle .. paste circle same position .. turn circle X degrees - et voila!
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