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Website Updates and Upgrades are still underway! We don't expect any further downtime, but we thank you for your patience as we restore themes and other elements including the Chatbox.


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Posts posted by Minrah

  1. ok so I checked my ports and I have ports UDP 2934-2935 and udp 9987-9989 opened, I found out since i changed out my motherboard it gave me a new IP address so I had to clear my network on my router to have devices reconnect with the correct IP address. I found my new IP and added the ports and still no joy on connecting, is it possible that the people that have another campaign are holding the VG server hostage?
  2. hey guys I thought i should report that while i was playing a few days ago everytime i got in and got into 3D the server would randomly pause while i was in ramp or flying in the sky. I took a photo of the message that i got from the server, but im sure you had received the same message. I really hope i wasnt the one messing things up, though i knew better on not making my own campaign on the VG server. anyway if u need more info let me know and thank you guys for hosting! I really enjoy flying.

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