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Posts posted by sillymoose

  1. I'm really stoked for this event. Big thanks to everyone who helped to put this thing together!

    Question: If the extract chopper "malfunctions" and makes a landing at a friendly outpost/territory (whereupon it explodes) but the VIP gets out safely, is that still considered a mission failure? or Can the extract be finished via ground trans?
  2. The downed pilot thing sounds cool though I think it would be more viable on a Deployment server. With humans on both sides, people can get air assets up as quickly as possible to rescue/capture the pilot. Pilot would be given time to move to a pre-determined coordinate and once the game starts, would have to wait for a certain amount of time before he would be able to move (simulate unconsciousness I suppose). Only major problem is unless if we're able to hide the map icon of the downed pilot, I can't imagine that scenario being all that fun. Allied team can track him easily and pick him up quickly via ground vehicle. I don't know how we would do this on co-op, unless if we could also modify bot start spawn time or teleport the pilot to a specific spot.
  3. WhiteWolf LAN_WROTE ...

    (but does anyone really care what I say/think? I don't think so :-\

    I do, Wolf. I do.

    I've used Xenforo before and I don't really have anything negative to say about it. If anyone frequents the Deployment server group PR Teamwork Alliance [PRTA], that's what their forum is powered by. Clean and UI is easy on the eyes. Unfortunately I can't say much about Invision - I don't think I've used any forums made with that.
  4. We've all had to make that walk at one point. If trans is up and running you could ask them to take you where you need if they're nice enough.

    The only time it's "difficult" to acquire a vehicle is when it's overturned or driven in to a ditch. That's when you get to yell at the driver. or yourself, if you are the driver. How dare I drive the Merkava into a crater. Shame on me. :)
  5. Been playing PR coop for over a month and a half now and my experience has been generally positive. It's nice to see a game where everyone with different roles utilize teamwork to achieve a common goal. I personally have made several good friends on the server and it's always a blast when we're on the battlefield.

    Now to the meat of the post here. Not that it has been a trend or anything but I and other players have noticed that from time to time both admin/non-admin players behave in a manner that makes gameplay a less-than enjoyable experience. I acknowledge the fact that we're all human. Sometimes we have a bad day and we turn to things like games as a form of escape and usually we're upset/frustrated/angry/sad/etc. All of that is understandable. It's only when someone decides to take those negative feels out on fellow players that is inexcusable. If you are that person and you're upset to the point where you do such things, it's probably best that you don't play. All you're doing is making everyone miserable. Go and confront that problem or find a different outlet to take your frustrations out on where it won't bother others. At the same token, nobody can make you leave. And to the players that feel they can't tolerate said person, just leave and come back later. I know that 's odd considering you aren't doing anything to detract from gameplay but it's better in the long run. Don't stick around and make the situation even worse than it already is.

    A note to those with admin privileges, apart from the occasional troll, with the relatively small community that makes up the frequent players on the server I firmly believe we're all here to have a good time. Accidents happen, whether it be a tk, someone taking an asset that doesn't belong to them, and so on. Admins are not infallible beings and also make mistakes. Remember that your powers are not what make you an admin but the fact that you strive to serve as a role model to others on the field. However, if you abuse your privileges or act in a way undeserving of an admin and a video gamer, I'll see to it that you get reported and possibly get your status revoked. An admin ought to know better than to take his aggression out on fellow players.

    This rant went on a little longer than I had originally anticipated but I hope my insights prove useful to newcomers and veterans alike. I decided to post this in general since I believe it applies to all games. Anyway, good hunting and I'll you all on the field.
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