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=VG= Martin

VG Clan Member
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Everything posted by =VG= Martin

  1. Dragon Fly: SAS - Medic Bijar: Mech INf - Medic Barracuda: Infantry #2 - Medic
  2. Check this link for more information. http://www.realitymod.com/forum/f380-project-reality-news/138817-project-reality-bf2-v1-3-5-announced.html More fun is on the way !!!
  3. Good to have you onboard as breacher in Mech Inf Zero ;)
  4. Get ready for some action guys!!! I have special EpiPens for this event !2cool
  5. Like I said... medic in any team you need me TED.
  6. Doc Martin will be available for the show this time ;)
  7. Unfortunally, on that day I will be in Madeira on a one week holyday with my wife. I will sign in for the next one. Looks great Ted. Well done my friend. Have fun everybody!!! Best regards. Martin.
  8. Hi Ted My point of view is that every single time you run this kind of events, more you learn to improve them for future players. Set a first session and start to learn about it. The best choice is run them on weekends so people can manage the real life stuff and reserve some hours to enjoy your PR Events. Regards. Martin.
  9. I'm happy with any map including Hueys. I love to fly those old ladies. !giveheart
  10. Man. I can tell you, if you keep playing in this server like you do (stealling assets, wasting assets, using the wrong name for your squad, not following your SL orders, etc etc etc) You would be keeping having warnings and resignings. Learn to play as a team member and have fun like most of us in this server. My two cents for you.
  11. I hope never being connected when this happens in the server because I will become mad about every single player doing this kind of shit.
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