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Everything posted by ToughHeartBoy

  1. I want to be logi with mikel if possible !rose
  2. Man... Look at those oppai !shok Bouncy Bouncy !heart Gotta love them
  3. Lulz~ why would u even bother look at the bot ingame (unless his tking ppl but ur pic upload doesnt show any tk sign) It's easier to notice when u see SlutBot LemurLemur scoring the highest in the gametracker. But even if u dont see he score the highest and when theres nobody in the server u can easily see a bot tat has the longest name than any other bots which gonna be Slutbot LemurLemur Silly Blazer XD !lmao
  4. Actually Blazer didnt notice it at first and never will. It was me who notice it and tell Blazer about it when I was checking the server players in the game tracker and found Slut-Bot LemurLemur. Damn =RS= Blazer is freaking liars :D Oops
  5. oh good idea. I wait for the map rotation change then. Case Closed ~PEACE
  6. Playing same map forever :( Mind change the rotation? Whenever INF maps pop-up, most players kill their own friendlies more than enemies, round finish---- Ring~ Ring~ Tk.
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