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VG Clan Member
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Everything posted by =VG=Hans

  1. of corse yes, i pay for FH and i,m dissapointet that nobody tell me that we have an new server, now running with one map, i,m and savage manage bevor the maps, and i will doe it again if you like. Fh is a part from VG i have a lot of fun there, where the server,s location ? it,s up to you Blud, but please not in Alaska..
  2. hear hear. yep we,re a big Family, and this Family need food, so guys please, don,t forget to spend a little money for the great VG servers.
  3. yep true, but i was never so slowly in 44 jears like your 2 Jears old pc. this one need a Walking carriages.
  4. i,m here nobody like to play with me ):
  5. Buy it now, want to try soon as possiple.
  6. peasand that,s the musik from Lawrence of Arabia, and the mapsound of Gazala FH lol by the way it,s near X-mas Ram
  7. i upload the mp3 on the VG profile works great
  8. we must find any way to fix it, from my side it,s no problem to give mothly a fixed sum, if we are 30 people we have to pay only 14 Dollar p.m to get the 400, we are one team, it,s better to create a general rule, what any have to pay than to wait what any want to pay. so we have talk about who wants to pay monthly a fix money. i am thereby
  9. bye Harry be a good boy all the best for your live.
  10. i feel sorry after we know that the Terrorist live in Hamburg-Germany bevor go to US to doe that it,s a shame for a land to open the arms to all people in the world they need help, we give food money home and a lot more. and get people they hate our demokratie. i feel helpless, because we are blind to realize. that some terrorist live beside us. the germans stay under shock if we know what happent in the USA. i can,t belive it on my work when i hear the news in the radio, want only goe home to see what happen,t, but can,t trust my eyes after see the first pictures, i can,t comment my feelings in this moment, we lose to many brothers and sisters. and we can,t help him. but ever we stay on your side friends we never forget. Hans
  11. if i can,t play coop a game, i don,t buy it. the coop games start with Wolfenstein Doom Rise of the Traid Hexen to Total Annihilation. me and my brother have many fun to play it in coop. than the game developer change to deathmatch and the fun is gone. many great games only in deathmatch thats really a pity.
  12. i get bevor 2 Jears a 800w psu and the GTX 570 cost here 251 Euro better to have more power as u need
  13. Hi man i don,t know who banned you maby an autobann from the server
  14. okay change to my old modem and router, it works fine now u can close the Thread thanks Hans
  15. they check line already it,s fine (they say,it) now change starter box, if it,s not must buy new router :( or change next time the provider up to 30000kbs :)
  16. contact provider, they see contact problem,s in my line, check up on Monday.
  17. Zieladresse: Reply from bytes=32 time=211ms Reply from bytes=32 time=210ms Reply from bytes=32 time=210ms Reply from bytes=32 time=210ms Ping statistics for Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss) Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 210ms, Maximum = 211ms, Average = 210ms
  18. i lost connection, but not only on my Comp. also the second Comp. lost con. in the same moment. maby config bug from my internet router ?!?
  19. have problem since 2 weeks, lose mutch times connection to the FH server, PC is not the problem on the second PC, it,s the same problem in one time lose con, too. internet line run stabil never have any prob. talk to other germans in another towns. they havn,t this bug. any idea ?
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