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VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Everything posted by =VG= BLuDKLoT

  1. Hey trigger take that video and shove it up your ass...oh...BTW, you've been banned!
  2. the fist person to start any kind of 9/11 conspiracy theory bullshit gets banned....try me. Fair Warning.
  3. I don't know what to say other than what's already been said. I can't think about this day without my heart breaking for all the people we've lost...then and since. "We will never forget"
  4. You need Falcon 4.0 original then the BMS4 mod. As for performance you shouldn't have any issues. It's the real deal tho, much harder than anything I've ever flown. (except DCS)
  5. DEDICATED SERVER CONNECTION DETAILS CLICK HERE: *UPDATE MARCH 25TH 2018: NEW MINIMUM CLIENT BANDWIDTH OF 1500 IS NOW REQUIRED! UPDATE SEPTEMBER 22th 2017: NEW SERVER IS NOW LIVE! IP ADDRESS HAS CHANGED! 64-bit Version NOW REQUIRED! Details Link: New VG BMS Server Official VETERANS-GAMING Falcon BMS 4 Server! Please use the details below to connect. VG will always be running the latest BMS version. PLEASE DO NOT ADD OR DELETE AI FLIGHTS!! 64-bit Version of BMS Required! Select prior to launch! IP: Recommended BW: 1500 IVC ON 120th FS at Seosan is set for no AI gerneration (fly here, or fly at busy airbases at your discretion, see list below) PLEASE JOIN OUR TS3 SERVER IF YOU'RE NOT ON IVC! - If you are going to be AFK for longer than 5-10 minutes please leave the server. - No team killing or asset abuse; protect the airframe as best you can. - No Hate! - DO NOT make any changes to the Server Priorities List! DO NOT change the Target Types, Mission Types, or PAKS! - DO NOT Add or remove AI Flights, or mess with the clock! The only acceptable way to manage the clock is thru the ATO ONLY! If you don't know how, please don't mess with it! If you're looking for a good group of people to fly with, drop by and check us out. s/f
  6. ok well yesterday I finally installed my new HD since my old config in RAID 0 was fouled. I've been reinstalling and updating, but no gaming yet. Once I get all my shit reinstalled i am going to try a few games and then I'll know for sure. I'm on a fresh install so there can't be anything else to blame if it runs poorly. Hopefully I'll be gaming in a few hours. Thanks guys and I'll keep you posted.
  7. I'm torn between Nvidia and ATi lol
  8. I dunno man, it's been since BF3 I've noticed it. Slow mouse movement, almost like slo-mo and frames at below 10 with smoke, explosions, etc.. The cards are like 2 years old man, that's like 90 in gamer years.
  9. =VG= BLuDKLoT

    Vid Cards

    Hey guys I think it's time I try to upgrade my PC. It's been a while since I've had to source PC gear. Question, if you could buy a new gfx card, what would you get and why? My PC is starting to run slow with dual ATi 5870's with these newer games. Thanks.
  10. it's probably your settings, you just need to reconfigure them, something is turning off your power?
  11. Hey Griff, I can send you my I & I file which will configure all your MFD's, CMS and then all you have to do is set the tower. Take the file I send and rename it to match your logbook name, then paste it into your BMS4 user/config folder and overwrite. Then open the sim > open your DTC (data cart) and select Tower. From there hit the arrow to scroll to preset 1, then enable default, then click Save. That should get you going until you can join us for more. Check your email for the file. PS - Add this to your BMS4 CFG File (config file) set g_bMessageStatistics 0 set g_bEnableRakNetPacketLogger 0
  12. Hey man we can understand that. I was in that same boat a few years ago, like in 1998-2001 was when I went thru that shit. It was almost the same deal too. Women, can't live with them, can't tie them up until the comply, so good luck man. We'll be here. (unless my wife tries that shit again) So go get things right with your family, sounds like you're back on track! Good luck man.
  13. They're so stupid they're adding names of people that aren't even in our Clan..What a bunch of losers. They can't even diss us correctly. PS - Pirate Bludklot Bot is my favorite.
  14. I've heard of other people having the same issues man but not sure of the fix. As far as multiplayer, it's been kicking ass. Just go to one if you have to but come fly, lol.
  15. you need to read the manual it has all that info, but you need to set the tower in your DTC it simple. I can send you my I&I File and it will set everything just the way you need it. Check your PM shortly. As for MP just join us on TS3 and we can help you.
  16. you're such a fanboy hater omg Bones how dare you! Now come fly sucka!
  17. Hey Bones I got it set up last night finally, lol. I'm surprised I haven't seen you guys yet! Where you all at!!
  18. We'll be on all day and we're working on getting a dedi set up.
  19. It's working good for most of us, come fly.
  20. Fanboy haters because we don't like MW? Like we haven't played it before? Like you probably can't get any hack for it yet even tho it's not even out yet? That MW? Stop hating on people for hating you damn hater.
  21. I tried to join but it was crazy busy. I'll catch up with you guys later tho. I think we need to make an 8th day.
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