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VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Everything posted by =VG= BLuDKLoT

  1. Hey guys, I've seen allot of talent around here with gfx creations. I'd like to sponsor a contest, open to all site members, to whomever can create the best Halloween themed banner from the image below, then you'll win a $25 Amazon Gift Card! I will chose the winner! I need ALL submissions NLT 2012-10-25 2400 ZULU TIME http://zulutime.net/ Good luck!
  2. Falcon BMS 4.32 w/update 4 MAIN DOWNLOAD: http://www.veterans-gaming.com/download.php?list.76 UPDATES: http://www.veterans-gaming.com/download.php?list.93 "If you're new to Falcon 4.0, ("F4" for short), F4 is a combat flight simulator originally developed and released December 12, 1998 by MicroProse. It models the Lockheed-Martin F-16C Block 50/52 in a full-scale war on the Korean Peninsula. F4 has been popular among combat sim pilots due to its dynamic war campaign engine, detailed aircraft avionics, and multiplayer capabilities. Continual development of the simulation by community members has allowed F4 to live on years after the MicroProse studios were shut down and official development of the sim ceased" We can also help you get your game installed/configured and properly set up to fly online! Drop by anytime, we look forward to meeting you. We now have an official VETERANS-GAMING Falcon BMS 4 Server! Please use the details below to connect. PLEASE DO NOT ADD OR DELETE AI FLIGHTS OR CHANGE ANY SERVER SETTINGS!!! *** CONNECTION DETAILS *** Join us on TS3 at: ts3.veterans-gaming.com SERVER IP: (this won't ever change) Recommended BW: 300 IVC ON 120th FS at Seosan is set for no AI gerneration (fly here) JOIN OUR BMS GROUP: (optional) http://www.benchmarksims.org/forum/group.php?groupid=13 PORT FORWARDING Part 1: http://portforward.com/help/setup_static_ip_address.htm PORT FORWARDING Part 2: http://portforward.com/english/routers/port_forwarding/routerindex.htm NUGGETS PLZ WATCH THIS FIRST! http://youtu.be/RWPEGNZB09Y WALKIE TALKIE MOD: (optional) http://addons.teamspeak.com/directory/plugins/miscellaneous/WalkieTalkie.html PLEASE LIKE US ON FACEBOOK AND SHARE YOUR PICS WITH OUR COMMUNITY! http://www.facebook.com/FalconBMS4 *** IN GAME COMMS | Setup for MP *** WARNING: IF YOU DO NOT ENTER THE BANDWIDTH SPECIFIED BY THE HOST YOU WILL CAUSE THE FLIGHT TO BE CORRUPT AND WASTE EVERYONES TIME. If you are connecting to another person who is hosting then you are the client. In the MP Comms box, name the Server Name, if we are Hosting, name it VETERANS-GAMING so you know who's entry/IP address it is. You enter the Host's IP address in the Connect to IP Address Box Everyone MUST enter a Connection Bandwidth, specified by the Host. Finally CHECK the two IVC boxes (SET TO ON!) Once in comms area/lobby, select Campaign > Online > VETERANS-GAMING to get into the Server. Select the 120th from Seosan and voila! Click through until you're at the 2d map! You're in. IVC Push to Talk while in 2D Map: F1 or F2 buttons IVC Push to Talk once in Pit: Alt-1 or Alt- 2 (We are currently flying BMS 4.32 with Update 3! Please check your install before joining the server)
  3. almost hunmiliating. Our BMS page does 100 times more than that lol
  4. If we have events to share, facebook page admins please start adding those events to the Page as well. I can't stay on top of all this. I need someone to manage our FB Page, post content, etc. Share, same shit. I'm overwhelmed with so much other stuff I'm slacking and need your help guys.
  5. just visit this instead: http://facecrooks.com/Internet-Safety-Privacy/Facebook-Page-Admins-Spread-Messages-in-Attempt-to-Bypass-EdgeRank-and-Sponsored-Posts.html?fb_action_ids=4722174450564&fb_action_types=og.likes&fb_source=other_multiline&action_object_map=%7B%224722174450564%22%3A120338998118502%7D&action_type_map=%7B%224722174450564%22%3A%22og.likes%22%7D&action_ref_map=%5B%5D
  6. We're doling out some awesome news all day relating to gaming from all over the planet! Subscribe to VG for the best in PC Gaming! Try us out. (if you're a clan member, you have no choice. do or die, that is all) http://www.facebook.com/veteransgaming
  7. VG http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/platoon/2832655240986849291/ welcome to the site man, look forward to gaming with you. Blud
  8. Hey guys check this out https://plus.google.com/u/1/102634396402324749838/posts/d7Kms3pTUYM
  9. Great shots man. Thanks for the flights, I look forward to more. Your vid is still processing I post it when done.
  10. Thanks to Thump, Utopic and SnowSky for the flights! I'll post the vid soon
  11. no, no, not testing spambots man was testing the scroller.
  12. Hey just to make it clear I'm not asking you guys to go SPAM the site! I'm asking you to go post stuff just like I asked. Stop spamming and acting like tards wtf lol.
  13. hey guys I figured out how to control the spam bots. If you can, please go to the site and post something. A blog post, a comment, a pic or vid, anything. just please go post something if you're already registered. I'm trying to test something, thank you again. www.preppersmeetup.com Blud
  14. UPDATE: Upload your designs to this site!! Thanks guys, Blud UPLOAD HERE: http://postcard.helpivanmartin.org
  15. Some of the links in your post have expired, just fyi.
  16. Sam attach you images like you would in an email and they will be auto-resized. It's much easier to add pics to the forums that way. Try it out.
  17. all great submissions guys, didn't know we had so many talented dead beats around here. ;)
  18. keep an eye on www.helpivanmartin.org ( on Sunday ) and Like this Page too. I just came across it http://www.facebook.com/HelpIvanMartin
  19. Not sure I like it, it get's too many spam bots. Now I'm looking into building a site around www.jomsocial.com again lol. It might be better. Hell, it's what weepmaps uses.
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