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=VG= Meiz

VG Clan Member
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Everything posted by =VG= Meiz

  1. I know you said you have run it on that card before but it doesn't meet the required specs for the game. The Hd 3870 minimum requirement is a somewhat more powerful card then the HD 5450. It's a pain i know, my card holds me back from quite a few games I'd like to play as well. The rest of your hardware seems to meet the specs.
  2. Nice pics Semler, Hope to see some more from when you jump back into combat .
  3. The increased challenge was nice n all, buuuuut some maps were ending within 10 minutes just from ticket bleed and seeing as though it takes 5+ minutes for a lot of people to load that's just far too quick.
  4. That looks pretty incredible. The 4d environmental effects and that vehicle chair were my favorite parts. I remember trying a virtual bobsled type thing probably 10 years ago now, although not a virtual reality gaming experience it was a similar idea to the vehicle chair. It was the same width and height as a shipping container but half as long, it sat on a platform and had the ability to lean right, left, forwards or backwards and had a screen up front and surround sound. As the hill sections got steeper the back would rise and it would lean in corners etc, the sensation of being jolted around and having that screen so close were very immersive. Keen to see what they could do with this VOID thing with all the new tech and more interesting game play ideas, although probably won't see anything like this here in Aus for quite a while :(.
  5. If my memory is correct there is a download section in the Bms forums Here, that's where i downloaded it from. The download section here doesn't work for the BMS mod but the Exe download seems to work if using the alternate download from dropbox. Edit: You need to create an account to access their forums.
  6. Yeah the !rules command doesn't seem to work either anymore not sure if that just shows the rules that scroll or not, but last time i checked that was a couple weeks ago.
  7. I dunno man, when the server pop is low like under 10 people vote is needed big time, and can quite often work, it's when server pop gets high it seems hard to pass them. I remember before i had power to turn it back on it would annoy me when an admin would come get us onto a map then lock and forget to unlock before they left. For example we'd play something like Karbala then the map goes to Lashkar Valley, with less then 10 people that sucks, you just spend 3 hours fighting over 2 flags and dying from mass gunfire in trees. If the map then had something like Charlies Point after that it'd get even worse, people also see a hard map with not many people on and won't join. In those times i would actually wish for a server crash. Sometimes going from a ~5-10 man shitfest to something easy like Kashan as Canadians can double or more the server pop. This is all just just my opinion though and i'm not trying to speak on VG's Behalf.
  8. Looks and sounds interesting, pretty keen to see where they can go with it, They have more to show with alot less time spent on it then PR2 and A3 PR. Squad : PR forums
  9. If i was going on buy on launch I'd go ps4, however I buy all my games on pc anyway when i can, so I'll probably hold out for a year and look at exclusives and any problems that come up with hardware. I've used my 360 more to charge my phone then play games lol.
  10. Just thought I'd add my voice and confirm the above, sometimes the crashes would occur halfway into the next map (khamysiah) or sometimes during the loading of the next map.
  11. Thanks guys, Good to see others would like it as well! Hope to see something in the future! Yeah i love hunting down enemy armor with rpg's, shooting down an enemy helo with an rpg is a pretty cool sight as well.
  12. Hey guys, earlier this year there was an opfor event, i was wondering what sort of reception did you get from VG members and other players? I don't know about others but i found it a lot of fun using the other sides weapons and assets especially playing as the Taliban and Hamas. I think it would be interesting to try again with the changes 1.0 brings and the amount of players that are playing. What do you guys think? Would there be the possibility of another event down the road? Other servers let you swap sides but are filled with bots and you only get a few humans on each side so it's not much better then playing offline.
  13. Have tried downloading twice and can't use a torrent so it has given me a corrupt file both times !shout . Hoping third time lucky, the game looks amazing so many new features and changes.
  14. Doesn't this come under the following rule? The distance you mention is a little further out but it should still apply. I am not apart of VG though so i am not speaking on their behalf just my own opion. NO RAPING MAINS UNTIL LAST FLAG!! (COOP MAINLY, BUT THIS APPLIES TO ALL, JUST DON'T DO IT.) 1. You willfully attack or lead the attack on the opposing (RBOT) teams main base or main spawn area before all previous flags have been captured, or block/divert the opposing (R-BOT) team by building deploy-able assets on any choke points within 500 meters of the opposing (R-BOT) teams main area before all previous flags are captured = WARN or KICK! (3rd Offense will get you BANNED!)
  15. Hi guys, there seems to have been an increase in crashes on the pr coop server, the crashes keep happening on Al Basrah about midway through the match returning it to Mutrah City, once it gets back to Al Basrah again there seems to a high chance of it crashing again. It did this 4-5 times a couple of nights ago and a couple of times last night but i didn't stick around to see if it kept happening. Have been playing this server for months and hadn't noticed it being like this until recently.
  16. I spend quite a lot of time on this server and there are people switching teams most days, and they'll usually ignore people asking them to change. One last night was swapping team just because he didn't like the map so was having fun ruining it for others.
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