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Everything posted by ORION

  1. ORION


    SemlerPDX let me say your the man with those training videos.
  2. Well I will be going offline soon as it appears that everything will be set up for me to move on Tuesday. So when I do move I will have time before I get my net bad to work with the video I have and hopefully come up with a cool video.
  3. Hey guys, I have about a week or less before I will no longer be on until I get net at my new place. I will check in from time to time on the forums but for the most part I will be offline. I am going to be taking as much video as I can so I can make a video while the net is down. Should be interesting so if you see me on and want to help I would like that very much.
  4. I like the second one. It seems to have the best layout in my mind at least. It has plenty of stuff going on but is not over crowded. In my opinion.
  5. I like the new profile. looks crisp and clear.
  6. Sorry I have not been around as of late. Been looking for a new house and dealing with X-mas stuff. Just wanted to let you guys know so no one thinks I ran off.
  7. My wife showed me this and I could not resist but to share it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xMrN3Rh55uM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=urNyg1ftMIU
  8. Hey guys, I was wanting to make a cool PR video and I need help doing it. I was hoping that someone could give me pointers on what program to use for recording video. I have frap's but it seems to do something with my punkbuster and kicks me from the server. I have heard you can use Xfire but from what I have seen the graphic quality is not all that good.
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