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Everything posted by ORION

  1. lol hey bob. Been a long while. I plan to get back to my flying ways asap. So watch out. It will be Mashtur city in 5 minutes again. Xp
  2. Ya Semler I was looking at that saying hey wait. Didn't I make that backing the day? You flatter me that you still use it. I had to go look and see that mine is still out there too.
  3. I look forward to dusting off my joystick and flying again. I loved flying. My best game in a little bird was 248 - 0. Look forward to playing with you guys again. And thanks to all of you about everything going on. Life is hard but that's what makes us stronger and proves to everyone that we are stronger then what life can throw at us. Or at least that's the way I look at it.
  4. Hello guys, Sorry that I have been M.I.A. for so long. Have had a tough time of things over the last year and a half. I downloaded PR after talking to you guys in Sep of 2014. I was getting to the point of being able to get online and play again as I finally dealt with shit going on. I was not having a good time with my wife as she had been getting increasing hostile and I was about to leave. Well in Nov of 2014 she was diagnosed with stage 4 ovarian cancer. Well she has 2 major surgeries to remove the cancer and did 5 months of chemo and was given the all clear. Well in Nov. of last year she fell and broken the ball joints in both of her elbows on black Friday. The X-Ray tech said he would look into any 2 for 1 offers for me due to the 6 X-Rays she had to get. Well then my son gets hit by a car while riding his bike to a friends house and thankfully he is ok but the guy that hit him is an ex-cop and he had a concussion so they take the drivers account and now I have to play for his car to be fixed. Now as of Wed. my wife's cancer is back so we have to deal with chemo and maybe even surgery again. So this is the reason I have been M.I.A. I know it's not a very good one. But I figured I would let you guys know. Good news though. I will be downloading PR again and will try to get online on Mondays to hang out again.
  5. ORION

    Battlefield 4

    Hardcore is the way to play if you want to run a sniper rifle or get your other guns outfitted quickly. The game is cool but keeps dropping me or has other issues. But when you are having fun its nice.
  6. Downloading it now. It will be nice to get back on PR. I liked flying.
  7. ORION

    In need of help :)

    ok so then you are looking for a pci-e video card. I have to go through my stuff so I will get back to you in the next couple of days and let you know if I can help.
  8. ORION

    In need of help :)

    Ok so here is what I have for you. The P5GD1-VM doesn't support your 6750 because the P5GD1-VM has a pci-e 1 slot where the 6750 is a pci-e 2. So unless your old video card fried with your motherboard it should work.
  9. ORION

    In need of help :)

    Now I see. Can you please give me the model number of your mobo so I can see if I have any spare parts that I might be able to spare for a fellow gamer.
  10. ORION

    In need of help :)

    Hello, So what are you looking for my friend? I looked up the video card you had verse the video card you where given and they will run the games you used to play basically the same. the only reason I can see for any incompatibility issues is the hd 6570 is pci-e 2 which means it will be sightly faster. If you have the choice between the hd 6570 and the 8800gt I would go with the 6570. I hope that helped. If you need something else please let me know. Just be as specific as possible as my brain requires it. Xp Regards =VG=ORION*MC*
  11. Hey guys, There is a new BF3 server that me and some of my friends put up. Its called The Taco Barn. So anyone playing BF3 feel free to play there. Just thought I would let you guys know. ORION*MC*
  12. Hey guys. I am looking to find another legit CD-Key for Diablo 2 and Diablo 2 lord of destruction. I am trying to set up a game night with the family and I have a computer that will run Diablo and not much else. I need it for the kids so they can play too. If anyone has a key they are no longer using and want to donate it to a good cause pm me and let me know. ORION*MC*
  13. LMAO!! Well I read that to my wife and she just said. " Oh geez. That's horrible." All I could do was laugh. Xp
  14. Happy Veterans Day!!! Thank you to everyone that has put there life on the line so we the people can enjoy the freedoms that do!
  15. Well that sucks cuz i was really looking forward when I read about it around 3pm pst. Maybe next time throw us another time zone from the us so simpletons like me can figure it out. Xp
  16. Wait. I was on at 5pm pst and no one was around.
  17. And once again boredom came my way so I made this. Please note there is a parental advisory on this one. This is a members only forum... right? Xp
  18. ok I lied. I was bored so I did this one. The one without the "Where survival is a way of life" Is my template.
  19. ok So here is what I came up with after sitting in from of my comp for a bit? Is this what you are talking about? Please note that I am not too happy with the words on the bottom. I just did have the time to play with it more.
  20. Ok I will see if I can come up with something.
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