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About eraser

  • Birthday October 26

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  • Interests
    Drumming , mil sim gaming , anime .
  • Occupation
    Capturing flags .

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  1. yep you re right , im running an add blocker . could be the reason . thks for the reply .
  2. oh could be on my end then . they dont work for me for whatever reason .
  3. the discord invite link been expired for quiet sometime now .
  4. welcome aboard bro .looking forward to meet u in the battlefield .
  5. dunno if the bot dificulty was changed , but after the last couple updates , it started to feel like im playing vs players with wall hacks and aim bot activated .with every bot encounter it feels like i only have one shot , if i miss the head shot the bot does a 160 and one tap me instantly lol .dont come at me with the skill issue and get good jokes now XD . its forcing players to avoid engaging bots and the whole experience turns into either a walking simulator or euro truck simulator .
  6. hey thanks a lot green . im having a blast .see ya in the battlefield comrade .
  7. hey kovak , thanks . see ya in the battlefield comrade .
  8. i will definetly remember your name .see ya in the server comrade .
  9. hi everyone , you can call me Eraser , been playing PR since its early days on and off but lately became my go to game when i have nothing to do . VG community is amazing and alrady made friends in here . havent been into the forum tho so im kinda new to the website .
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