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About bnorcross

  • Birthday 06/29/1960

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Katy, Tx
  • Occupation
    Systems Engineering Program Manager

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Private (1/18)



  1. Because of the people and the cooperation. All the members make every effort to engage everyone into the gameplay.
  2. I see this same error when I try to connect with the BF2:PR/COOP server the first time I try. I try a second time and it works. I have been seeing this since installing the .981 version
  3. Hey, I'm the chief bullet catcher around here! :) I look forward to seeing you on the server. Lamb
  4. I really am sorry for missing the event. Coop PR is my favorite game. But being in the hospital will put a cramp in your plans. Please lets try this again. i look forward to standing along side my friends and giving those bots a beating. Lamb
  5. I voted no, but I agree with TEDF, without additional players it's not a lot of fun. I have spent some time playing alone on the server. Sometimes players join sometimes they don't. I would miss playing COOP but i certainly understand the economics of keeping a server up when no one is using it. I am not sure what could be done to revive interest in the VG server.
  6. I haven't had the issue yet. I am not running the sound mod. Just some data points to share.
  7. The tags look great! Makes me wish I could add the =VG= to my name.
  8. I would like to thank Blud and all of our retired and currently serving members of the military. Without you I believe our current freedoms we not be. Thanks, Lamb
  9. I am sorry for you loss. Hang in there.
  10. Usually minidumps don't have much information. I analyze dump files as a part of my job. I will be happy to take a look at te minidump of preferably a kernel dump. In short a driver tried to write to memory that was protected by the OS from being written to.
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