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Posts posted by Terremer

  1. as soon as i can remember/find my rcon login i'll take care of it. Like you said, whenever squads are full you can nicely ask, or you can just wait it out. TKing isnt acceptable, and the chat logs you took are good evidence that these guys dont need to be here anymore. I see the Rico TK, but i dont actually see the Manowar TK, other than the reference by Speirs, but i trust speirs and from the chat he sounds pretty abusive anyways. Gimme a min and ill try to sort it out.

    .....and riddle beat me to it. Thanks to him.
  2. bumping this, ive got 2 new copies of dota2 and I believe Poff has 4 of them. Still looking for people to play with. I pretty much only play against bots anymore, as playing online is pretty infuriating unless you have 5 people to play with at all times. You cna still unlock cosmetics if you play online with others vs bots, so its still good iguess.

    let me know if you'd like to try it out.
  3. im willing to try to get the old box working, or help setup/maintain the new box. i'd love to get back into PR, especially after watching some 1.0 vis id like to play it again.

    The problem now is that rarely anyone plays from here except for a select few like ted and others, and the status of the server lately has kind of driven people away. im not sure what to do honestly.

    if we do keep it up, we need to make a big effort to get it running again, and not just go through all the trouble/funds to put it back up, and then never play on it or try to grow its playerbase.
  4. awesome find. i'm downloading it apparently the game is free now??

    my friend's been looking for a steam release of this game for ages, and now that its on origin he's gonna be so excited.

    i;ve only played this a small bit back when it came out, my computer was so shit i really only played games around time over at friends houses, sadly. pretty excited to try it out. and yeah we should definately have an event with it, would be fun.
  5. Mumble is kinda like if acre was completely in teamspeak, it uses direct with directional voice as your base comms and then you can talk to squad or other leaders with buttons. You have to be in certain channels to talk to other officers though and usually pilots are in that channel as well. It's been a while but I remember mumble being very nice.

    Also I reinstalled pr yesterday so I'll try to play

    Actually ill be gone all weekend :( sorry ted
  6. I think the real problem is that not a lot of us have actual training operating as a squad or fireteam in different situations. We all know ARMA and most of its mechanics, so playing something like Domi is really straightfoward for most of us and we dont really need complicated tactics or strict orders when we know how to clear a side mission in 5 minutes.

    I agree with Calv though, once your team knows what they're supposed to do, there really shouldnt be any kind of communication other than simple directions, such as Lets head to that building, or Go to this grid for extraction, etc. Obviously spotting targets is much higher priority.

    Domi is getting extremely old, and I'm not sure it really contributes much playing it, honestly. Especially when someone always wants to take the A10 or arty and destroy the AO before the troops even get a parachute on their back.

    I think the best missions we would have would involve either light or no asset support, just straight up infantry squads that have to adapt to the situation with the tools they've got. If theres supposed to be enemy armor on the map, maybe there could be a pilot on station who comes in only to kill the armor, and then RTBs, instead of spraying GAU8 across the AO. I've really just wanted to play some basic infantry stuff lately, where I can operate with a squad and just shoot things, instead of having them get blown up by a plane, or sniped from the other half of the team carrying snipers and sitting on various hills around the AO. I've played too much insurgency lately that i'm tired of the "Lets land on this hill and snipe the AO for 10 minutes, then move in to the objective".

    Finally, I think that if its just a random game that everyones jumped into, i dont think thats the best place to try to force everyone to start using tactics and have strict squad rules and all that. We just jumped into this random game to play with each other, and i think that other than general squad order and a simple leader that basically tells you where to go and what weapon to carry, is too much. Also, i dont think that yelling at people because they dont want to follow your strict command and orders solves anything, either. They jumped into the game and didnt expect or agree to anything, if they want to go on their own, thats perfectly fine. If its an organized event, where we define leaders and roles before the game begins, that's a completely different story. Everyone knows what they signed up for and should act accordingly.
  7. is from Germany(DE) in region Western Europe

    TraceRoute from Network-Tools.com to [static.]
    Hop (ms) (ms) (ms) IP Address Host name
    1 28 0 0 xe-5-3-0.edge3.dallas1.level3.net
    2 0 0 0 vlan70.csw2.dallas1.level3.net
    3 0 0 0 ae-73-73.ebr3.dallas1.level3.net
    4 20 20 20 ae-7-7.ebr3.atlanta2.level3.net
    5 33 33 33 ae-2-2.ebr1.washington1.level3.net
    6 33 33 33 ae-91-91.csw4.washington1.level3.net
    7 34 34 33 ae-92-92.ebr2.washington1.level3.net
    8 114 116 114 ae-42-42.ebr2.paris1.level3.net
    9 122 122 122 ae-47-47.ebr1.frankfurt1.level3.net
    10 127 122 124 ae-71-71.csw2.frankfurt1.level3.net
    11 121 121 121 ae-2-70.edge7.frankfurt1.level3.net
    12 123 123 122 as33891-net.edge7.frankfurt1.level3.net
    13 128 128 128 hos-bb1.juniper1.rz16.hetzner.de
    14 Timed out 128 130 hos-tr1.ex3k10.rz16.hetzner.de
    15 128 128 128 static.
    Trace complete
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