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Posts posted by ridDle

  1. Stumbled upon this link in the forums. Tested it out and it works, its not a perfect solution because of no toggle button for free look and you cant fly around while using free look.

    Source: http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/forum/threadview/2832654489435033033/

    Hi all,

    Currently Battlefield 3 does not support trackir (a device which tracks your head movements and converts them into a movement in the game), however it does come with a mouse emulation software. I want to be able to use the trackir in the jets, rather than on foot as there is no point in using it for troops when you don't have a separate view control and aiming control (like arma2). Currently using mouse emulation with trackir I can look around in the cockpit, however I have to hold down a button to do this, and it also disables all flight control input. Also, if you are moving your stick during flight and go to use the freelook, you can't, basically the flight controls override the view if you are already in a turn or manoeuvre. This means you can only look around when flying straight and level, or with no control input.

    As it is, this is a nice interim solution to using trackir in the cockpits, however what we really need is the ability to look around WHILE flying. Also we need a toggle button for the look around rather than a hold button. If these two needs are satisfied, we will have a fully functioning 2DOF (two degrees of freedom - ie x and y) head tracking for BF3.

    If people are interested in trying this, you need to first hunt down the mouse emulation software that comes withthe Trackir software. Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\NaturalPoint\TIRMouse.exe. Open that exe and then this mouse emulation profile shows up in the list of profiles in the trackir profiler. You can make any changes you want to this profile, I got rid of the dead zone for both axes, and added a button to my joystick as a pause command when I am not in the planes. The next thing you need to do is go into the game, into the key bindings for jets and or choppers, then remove the mouse x and y axes from the pitch and roll controls. This means that when you look around with the trackir, it wont also control your aircraft. Make sure you also bind a joystick button to the freelook command.

    Now you are ready to fly and look around. When I enter the cockpit I unpause trackir, that means any time I press the freelook button when in the cockpit i can look around with my trackir.

    Its not a perfect solution, but will get you basic functionality. Now we need DICE to fix those other two problems, ie. make the freelook a toggle function, and allow us to control the aircraft while looking around.

  2. Ok so basically this thread is for you to post your PC Battlefield 3 name to stay in touch.

    Personally I wont accept anyones request unless I see their name here first or you send it with a pm to me. Also, due to latency issues I wont be joining servers outside Europe.

    So my BF3 PC name (after 100 tries to make a name with riddle in it: RidDle1987
    (Thank you NTF_Kane for showing the how to change name.) !yahoo
  3. Both the laser and flashlights are toggleable and as far as I've seen pretty much all weapons can have flashlights and lasers (not at the same time)

    Regarding the starting weapons for each side, its true you get AK for russia and M16 for America, but this is only untill you unlock other weapons. And at some rank, I dont remember which, think it was around 38 I got it, you get to pick both weapons regardless of which side you start.

    My first impression of BF3 beta is that I'm loving it. I've put xx hours in it now and currently have rank 46. Which seems to be some prestige rank. Still not tired of metro level and cant wait for the full game to see the other levels.
    My only concern is remapping the controls for vehicles. I tried it on Caspian Border map for the aircrafts, and it didnt work at all.
  4. Release dates:
    December 20th 2011 for North America.
    December 22nd 2011 for Europe.

    Sub fees:
    ? 1 Month Subscription: $14.99 (?8.99/?12.99)
    ? 3 Month Subscription: $13.99 per month (one-time charge of $41.97/?25.17/?35.97)
    ? 6 Month Subscription: $12.99 per month (one-time charge of $77.94/?46.14/?65.94)

    Less than 3 months to wait.
  5. WoW clone is a bit harsh, it wasnt even close to WoW. NGE made a great game into one of the worst mmo's indeed. I'm so glad they are pulling the plug on SWG for good in december. One thing I will miss from the new SWG is the customization of items, crafting and player housing. That stuff was really good.

    BTW Outlanders I used to play it for 3ish years. Was on Wanderhome server.
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