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About JudgeDredd

  • Birthday November 11

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  • Gender
  • Location
    NE Indiana
  • Interests
    Falcon BMS Flight Sim, XBoxSeries X - Div2, Breakpoint, Wildlands, All Assassins Creed Series, Fallout Series, Elden Ring, Friday the 13th, Remnant 2, Janes F15,
  • Occupation
    USMC Veteran Infantry, Diplomatic Security-State Dept., Retired Law Enforcement (VA)

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Sergeant (5/18)



  1. Hey Marine, you have the card I currently use. I am awaiting the release of the series 5 RTX cards, then the prices will come down for the 4090 RTX OC cards. I don't know much about the card you are looking at in the link however. GPU's and the plethora of them on the market are hard to evaluate. I have reviewed products in the past from this site https://www.tomshardware.com/ JD
  2. Hello Warriors, Joined the club on 23 Jan and found the VG website before that. Located this awesome website while trying to sort out my TM Cougar HOTAS, and I am very happy I found VG. I served in the US Marine Corps from 1982 to 1993 as an 8151/0311/0341. I had tours at MBRKS 8th & I, Wash DC and 2nd Bn 4th Marines, 8th Marine Regiment, was on the 24th & 26th MEU/SOC's, I Served as Squad Ldr & Mortar Section Leader (60mm) during my time in the GRUNTS. I EAS'ed in 1993 as a Sargeant E-5 and took my second "Oath" with the FCPD (Northern Virginia), did 25 years in Patrol Div (23 yrs on Mids), and Retired in 2018. I loved what I did and the Fine folks I served with, it is awesome to find other Warriors to enjoy gaming as much as I do. See You in the skies !!!! Semper FI JD
  3. Welcome IRONMAN.... See ya soon, glad I got ya over here buddy.
    Are we going to be able to incorporate the F15C into these missions Sir ? Not sure I want to attack the keymapping for the F16 on my WinWing I do love these Pre-Made missions. JD
  4. Welcome @MinkyNeets , you will have a great time, great instructors, and awesome site to fly on to, the Devs & Hierarchy here are "top-notch" ... See ya in the Skies..... JD
  5. OhhhhhHRahhhhhhhhhhh !!!!!   Welcome

  6. We Fly, Kavelenko fly as of the last 2 weeks at least 3-4 times a week. We were up for like 3 hours today going through training. The F16 model that these awesome Devs have designed is amazing, the systems, mechanics, procedures can be trying at first, but I am finding the more I practice through the BMS training manual & practice with Kav', the easier it seems to get.
  7. Introduction, Hello Virtual Pilots, I have read the posts above, and am very happy to have found this website and have met quite a few top notch pilots/trainers etc. I rein from the USMC (0311-Infantry) & Law Enforcement backgrounds. I have been gaming since around 1995, got into Janes F15 then Falcon 4.0 in 1998-99. Flew by the seat of my pants, then met a Pilot names Renegade (416th Ghostriders VFS), we flew and flew and got pretty accomplished, met another accomplished Pilot (Netraider) and the rest was history. Falcon 4.0, again all the patches (1.08 lol). We kept the squadron intact, steering the unit and developing wings in Australia, United Kingdom, Canada, USA with many, many awesome Virtual Pilots. We flew alot, and participated in the online Dogfight site, and did quite well. Then life got in the way, and a career kept me extremely busy and very little time, and no high speed internet living out in the country, flying stopped in 2005. Finally wanted to set back down and get back into it, and WOW.... reconnected with Netraider and started researching Falcon 4.0, and well learned about BMS and what had Falcon 4.0 turned into, amazing simply amazing what this SIM and what these very talented batch of developers have done to this beautiful simulation. Found Veterans Gaming, and since I was a veteran, thought id see what this organization was, and how impressed I am. Was having some issues with my HOTAS (potentiometer) and well it got fixed, and met a couple of your great VFS Pilots (Kavelenko/Mocum and away we went, I was flying daily, being trained in a "Crash Course" of training, techniques, reading the manual and practice, practice, practice. I am still learning and meeting other great VFS Pilots here, I think you for allowing me to hang my V-flight jacket here. The skies the limit and I plan on working hard here. Semper FI JudgeDredd
  8. Yes Sir, Once Kavelenko explained the issue (I had noticed I could not lower my visor with the use of the pinky switch/DMS switch), hehehehe. So I remapped it and waaalaaa , everything is perfect. Whomever is the design, coders, graphics guru's of this very awesome Sim, I salute you it is a piece of Magic, after not flying since 2006 (when I moved to a non internet connected part of Virginia) , this BMS series is amazing. This simulation gives this "Ole Man" something to occupy my Retired Police/USMC 0311 mind. Thank You all. God Bless JD
  9. Kav' explained the procedure for getting these to set up correctly. A bit tricky but was able to be set.
  10. Well....... I had to log on and give a BIG shout out to Kavelenko & Starkes today. I know all want to help others in these FORUMS, and as soon as I have the knowledge in BMS/Setup & Operations I will do the same for others. But I must tell you, these two as well as Mokum are exceptional not only internet flyers, but great instructors in this gaming community. I have gotten to know them, they came online today and helped Netraider and I with out TM Cougar "Woes", and now we are operational, and beginning out training regiment. I thank you all very much. Have a wonderful day wherever you are in this big world guys..... JD
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