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BMS Server SOP


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Is there an SOP for the server listed somewhere? If not, could we put one together? I've noticed guys who log in, join a flight without asking and aren't on comms and/or don't reply to shift-T text queries. I'm always down to fly with guys, but those who "commandeer" a flight without so much as asking or worse, not communicating, are becoming more frequent. I had two such instances this weekend, one of whom crashed the my AI F-16 wingman at take off and then asked me if I wanted to dogfight. I'm not sure he was a griefer, but it would be nice to point out to these guys that we do have an SOP for joining a flight. 

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I will draw up some basic rules for you all to refer to, this would be best.

I understand your frustration, really.  One time I was going out on a 2-ship while waiting for Jeffu to come online, so I fragged a deep strike with an AI wingman, expecting to tell it to RTB after takeoff (allowing a friend to join me before the end of my mission if needed).  A random person I did not know joined that AI Wingman and when it was time to taxi, I saw it waiting in front of me and they were not on IVC.  I used Shift-T text chat and they actually responded.  I told them we could not fly if we don't have IVC setup as it would be required to play together.  He listened to me and left the jet, and rejoined the server in his own flight, with no further problems.  I got lucky.

You will be able to refer to the VG BMS Rules and can begin to warn new players of potential consequence, including being blocked from the server until they agree to follow our rules.

I'll start you out now with some basics that you can quote, and I will make them official in a proper post like the PR Rules later today or early tomorrow when I'm finished:

  1. IVC is required for multiplayer flights - only if the Flight Leader agrees are players allowed to participate without IVC enabled
  2. Do not join another player's flight in-action without asking - IVC and Comms allow communication between the 2D map and pilots in 3D cockpits
  3. Respect IVC Comms Channels -- if a flight is using a certain VHF/UHF preset channel after takeoff, you must choose a different preset channel for your own flight.
  4. Do not start another Campaign on the server - be sure you understand how to properly connect to the VG Server without initiating a second campaign either by accident or intentionally
  5. Identify every Air target with AWACS Declare prior to weapons release - intentional teamkilling will result in a ban; repeated unintentional teamkilling due to ignorance will also result in a ban
  6. Attack only OPFOR units -- this is a BLUFOR COOP Campaign, no players are allowed to fly as an OPFOR Faction against BLUFOR
  7. Obey your Flight Leader - multiplayer operations require us to simulate proper chain of command, and the Flight Leader must be allowed to be in charge of his flight
  8. Know your jet and your skill level - pilots are allowed to train here, but do not join a multiplayer flight above your skill level and communicate this to your Flight Leader

Happy to entertain other ideas for potential rules, feel free to post up suggestions here.  Thanks!


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A great number of newcomers have gone nowhere near this web site and never will. Being an open, no password `public` server there is little if any control possible. Its no surprise that the problem visitors rarely if ever persist with bms. They have seen some videos or been told about it. Its free so they take a look with the wrong attitude and no interest in reading more than they need to. The ip is well spread by word of mouth and mentions on the web so its open house.  SOP`s are for the people who follow rules. There is some appropriate information here that might be added to but ultimately likely will not deal with what you experienced. 




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4 minutes ago, CobaltUK said:

A great number of newcomers have gone nowhere near this web site and never will. Being an open, no password `public` server there is little if any control possible. Its no surprise that the problem visitors rarely if ever persist with bms.

We can only do what we can.  It is up to you regular players who ARE dedicated to proper SOP and to the open nature of this server to promote and communicate the VG Community website, TS3, and BMS Server rules (to be completed...)

There will always be players who fall beneath the cracks, and those who will disrupt the game - do their damage - and leave, never to return.  It is a sad fact of a public server, and we experience this in every public server we run from time to time (example).  Luckily, we can add further levels of control as we move forward with a little technical expertise, and eventually (if needed) we could even craft a tool for our BMS Server Admins to give teeth to their words, such as something that can kick a player from the server, or add/remove them from a banlist either temporarily or permanently.

Now, I realize there will be players so new to BMS, as you have described, that their first experience online may well be their last.  We cannot help that.  We only have a small window to make that first impression with someone new, and sometimes there is a language barrier in the way.  We can only try our best to teach and encourage those we can to get more involved with this server, including telling them about the website and some important posts here on the VG BMS Server, and about our TS3 as a "waiting room" for gathering a multiplayer flight.

Believe it or not, but there are always more people who follow the rules than there are who do not, even when it's a matter of innocent ignorance.  For all the rest, there is little we can do aside from remove them from the server - if they are not interested in respecting others online, they have no business remaining on a VG hosted server.  Harsh, but true.


Try your best to continue to promote the BMS Server as a live community with a home here on the website, and a clean mature TS3 Server as a social hub.  As an international community, we empower longtime dedicated members regardless of where they come from so long as they posses the maturity, integrity, and team spirit in line with VG's Clan values; this alone is set up to attract a more Adult crowd and simulators often do the same.  We can create a casual non-passworded BMS Server here if we can do our part as ambassadors in the game to new pilots, and if we have the tools and teeth to keep the server clean from those without respect for others.

Like you said, CobaltUK, there's plenty of IP promotion out there for VG BMS, and we need to also promote our SOP's and values both in written form, and from the mouths of all the regulars.  You don't need to be a shill, but all of you who want to help grow our pilot base here, please do try to get new people to check out the website and any important BMS threads we have here.



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Short of any technical advances that might be on the horizon i reckon a PW system could work. All approved players are on a mass email list that get a weekly changed pw. People can swiftly be removed from list. Initially people will HAVE to visit the VG site to register as a server user.

On the other hand ive done more missions on the server than the average and the irritations that started this topic are very infrequent in my experience and a big factor is the sim throwing the unfamiliar and unwary into a jet the moment they arrive in 2D.

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