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Vocal Cue issues.


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If we instructed you to turn off or down AI Radio Chatter, that may be the case.  Only you can hear your local AI comms.  FTR, aside from Chaff and Flare, those are things you should be vocalizing yourself over the VHF radio - teammates will expect it.  When flying solo, get into the habit of making these calls even though there is no one to hear it.  Launch an AIM-120C at maximum launch range - call "Fox 3 LONG" - Launch a AIM-9 Sidewinder, call "Fox 2" ... drop some Mk-20D's, call "Rockeyes".

If I were you, I wouldn't be so quick to change that back if your goal is to continue to get into multiplayer BMS action ;)  

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The chaff/flare calls have nothing to do with pilot calls such as "fox 3 long". They are part of the inbuilt vocals such as `Altitude` etc etc  Typical means to not hear is having the intercom rotary down to minimum though that would not persist to next flight.  As far as `fox 3` the loss of that type could typically be setup/sounds/player voice set off but only the intercom set off would effect both types of call.  If the problem does persist between flights then its something else I would think.

Would be surprised if pilots DO call out chaff/flare......  certainly ive watched actual combat recordings where both sams and AA missiles were being defeated but no such calls made over radio in them. Maybe some forces do.

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