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VAC software recomendations

=VG= Kavelenko

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You'll obviously have no trouble finding the comms hotkeys and/or create simple macros for these commands, so there will be keypresses and you'll need to know those keys.

Then there's the actual "call" commands for each action - of course you can make it a full sentence(s) "Request Landing Clearance" and that will work just great.  But if you want a wee bit more variety and options to how you say that, you can add a few dynamic choices for VA to recognize, and also a few recognition inclusions for words that "sound like" words in your command so you don't find yourself repeating your command over and over.  Here's my request landing command -- the asterisk* at the beginning means that ANYTHING I say that ends with this bit will register like,

"Osan Tower this is Cowboy 1-1, requesting landing clearance"



*[request;requesting] [Clarence;clearance] to land [over;];*[request;requesting] [lending;landing] [Clarence;clearance;] [over;]

//this is what happens when I call that command:
Press T key and hold for 0.065 seconds and release
Pause 0.25 seconds
Press 2 key and hold for 0.065 seconds and release


**BE SURE TO USE PAUSES BETWEEN KEYPRESSES!  At least 0.050 and sometimes as long as 0.50 depending on the game -- some games can run super fast macros, some are old and need longer pauses.


Explanation of Symbols and Structure of a Dynamic Command such as the one above:

;                                 <- a semicolon is a separator meaning "or" so that you can have more than one choice for command word(s) or sentence(s).  Note that either of those dynamic statements will call the command.

[word1;word2]       <- either word can be used, but at least ONE of them must be spoken

[word1;word2;]      <- either word can be used, or neither at all

*request landing   <- any sentence ending with "request landing" will execute this command

request landing*   <- any sentence beginning with "request landing" will execute this command



So, there's much depth in Voice Attack, and I hope this little bit prepares you for the few things you'll like to do for your Falcon BMS voice commands.  Any questions, feel free to ask!  Good luck!  :drinks:


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Yeah I've loaded most of the commands as they appear in the pop dialog boxes for now and then I'll edit/shorten the commands to something easier to say.

e.g. Landing on the carrier, final approach, actual command.

Harrier 1-1, request runway, I have the ball, hook down, three green.

Doing the speech recognition tutorial a few times helps too.

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59 minutes ago, =VG= Kavelenko said:

Harrier 1-1, request runway, I have the ball, hook down, three green.

*request runway*
^using that as a command for "When I say..."  will make it so that any sentence that CONTAINS those words will fire the desired command.  Note the asterisks on either side of the entire sentence.  Very similar to the example I posted before.

It's also worth noting that the developer of Voice Attack states that wildcards using asterisks like I've shown are "somewhat unsupported" and therefore can be problematic - care should be taken whenever using them.  The actual quote from the guide:


The reason it is 'somewhat unsupported' is basically because it is not a terribly reliable feature and was added as an attempt to give a little bit more flexibility, especially in the areas of immersion. Your mileage may vary. Good luck, captain!


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  • 2 months later...

I've been using this VoiceAttack software since Semler recommended it, bloody good software! I've exported my BMS 4.33.4 profile so that anyone who's interested can use it for themselves to save some time. Once you've got this profile loaded or imported should I say, you can ramp-start the F-16 in roughly 3 minutes!.

There's one or two switches I need to manually set but that's because I haven't worked them out yet. Anyway feel free to modify this profile if it helps to get you airborne, cheers fellow pilots!

BMS 4.33-Profile.rar

BMS 4.33-Profile.zip

I've uploaded it as a zipped or rar file, for some reason it would not upload in the raw.

For the F-16 ramp-start, here are the commands to activate it:

Windows key + H - Full Ramp-start - (by default the canopy is up)

Windows key + C - Clears faults (on the test screen)

Windows key + D - Loads the Data Cartridge

Windows key + F- L oads the default FCR on the left MFD.

Windows + G - Loads the TPG screen on the Right MFD, loads the SMS screen on the Left MFD ready for A-G weapon settings.

If you do use this profile, allow each macro to run before executing the next, there are time delays built in, especially the first one! Have fun!

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Excellent voice profile, Kav!! You've done a great job here, and your category use makes it very easy to navigate. This will really add to the immersion and free up your hands so you can pay attention to flying.  Well done!

I got some tips, here's one...
Example of multipart commands that could be made in your profile:

Delete the "Emergency" command.
Add "Emergency;" to the "Tower request emergency landing" command.
The semicolon ";" means the command on either side is viable, it's a choice seperator.

Do the same for the Vectors and Approach commands to turn many into few.  Use the Multipart Command Toggle Button (near "Import Commands") to toggle between showing each one seperately or on the same line for readability.





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Thanks Semler, that's pretty useful to know. I've also been researching Brevity radio calls for fighter pilots to include in my profile such as:

"Pigeons" - for AWAC command: "Sentry vector to home plate"

"Music On" - for "Wingman turn ECM on"

So if anyone has some cool calls for any of the radio or tower transmissions, feel free to share them. :P


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Check out this Communications and Brevity section of the United Operations BMS Codex, and visit this page to see the Brevity List at the bottom:


Responding to communications

Within the flight (VHF) when a flight lead gives a directive the entire flight must respond in correct form; this is done by giving your flight number and pilots most respond in ascending order (e.g. Cowboy 1-1: "Flight go trail" Cowboy 1-2: "TWO" Cowboy 1-3: "THREE" Cowboy 1-4: "FOUR"). This makes it clear for the flight lead to understand who has heard them and has intent to carry out the order. If someone is silent, it's OK to skip them and allow them to respond later, however the flight lead(s) will be the one to investigate any silence in comms.

When you are unable to carry out the order you should say "unable" and elaborate should the situation require it. In some situations you may find you are engaged offensive or defensive and can add this, i.e. "Viper 1-4 unable, engaged defensive". The amount of information you give should be reasonable; let the flight know if you're in a dogfight or defending missiles if they don't already.

Between flights (UHF), the flight lead will need to use the flight callsign as an identifier as multiple flights have access to this method of communication (e.g. "Falcon 1, Panther 2 we have entered the AO, looking for targets" "Panther 2, Falcon 1, roger that").

Whenever you start a message not directed toward others you start with your callsign. On package comms where everyone will hear you, you use your full callsign.

The flight does not need to respond to any informative calls (e.g. "Falcon 1 traffic 9 o'clock level) which differ from directive calls in that the flight is not being requested to take action but merely being given supplemental information to improve flight efficiency and cohesiveness.

Directives e.g. "Flight fence in" , "Element 2 go trail"

Informatives e.g. "My altitude, Angels 10" , "My TrackIR just f***ed up"

Do's and Don'ts

DO speak up if you're in immediate danger!

DO give an "Engaged offensive" call followed by the BRAA or bullseye of the target when in a dogfight.

DO remain calm and speak clearly.

DON'T use "ground combat terms" for Flight Comms (e.g. "Lobo this is Panther, message", "Panther this is Lobo, go ahead, over." "Lobo, be advised you have bandits over the target area time now.", "Panther, we copy all, out.")

DON'T give informatives out during high-workload periods of flight (e.g. talk about your fuel consumption during a furball)

DON'T repeat communications. (e.g. "MAGNUM SA-2, I REPEAT, MAGNUM SA-2).

DON'T comply with a directive that is sure to kill you; you are the best judge of this.

DON'T clog up the communications with pointless information. (e.g. let other flights know about bandits 200 miles away over UHF OR repeatedly ask AWACS for picture)

DON'T use "over" or "out".

DON'T use "break" to signal a pause. Break is a brevity word to perform a rapid turn.


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