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Evochron Legacy : Anarchium 24/7 Server


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Before Elite Dangerous there was the Evochron series. Evochron Legacy is the latest release in this franchise and is brilliant.

The Evochron franchise from StarWraith 3D Games has been nothing short of incredible if you consider that it is basically a ONE man show. The newest addition, Evochron Legacy is a sequel to Evochron Mercenary with revamped graphics, flight controls compatibility and terrain generation engine. Yes you can land on planets. All of them. It is multiplayer capable with the server software supporting up to 35 players at this writing. Be sure and visit the official website at http://www.starwraith.com/evochronlegacy/index.htm and check it out. You can purchase the game directly or from within Steam.

I have placed a 24/7 server named Anarchium online and all are welcome. You can access it via the in game multiplayer server listing or by direct ip @

Hope to see some of you there! Any and all suggestions for server operations, event ideas etc are extremely welcomed.

Be excellent!


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