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Hi Blonk.

If you would like to Appeal your Ban, please provide the following information:


1. Banned Username:

2. What Server(s):

3. When did this happen:

4. The reason you were banned:


5. Describe the events leading up to your ban:


6. Personal Statement:


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1 hour ago, =VG= STARK said:


1. Banned Username:Blonk

2. What Server(s):BattleField 2 Project Reality Veterans Gaming Coop

3. When did this happen:Today afternoon (23.July 2017)

4. The reason you were banned:Admin(or bot) think I made a lot of team damage(Team kill),but It not willfully.


5. Describe the events leading up to your ban:I shot a helicopter with an Anti-tank.


6. Personal Statement:I don't have trolling and griefing intention, I love this server and the group and I hope I can play this server again in the future. (Sorry for bad English,I'm Hungarian.)And so,I don't wanna change server,because I think it's the best in co-op version,and the player community thinks that too.




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