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Wow! Just got Arma 2 over a week ago and I am finding it incredible!!!

I have been going through the training sessions in boot camp and reading the manual, however some tasks and things need to be experienced to get the hang of how they work.

A lot of folks have been very helpful too. It was great to see and get so much support and encouragement.

It is a testament and tribute to the =VG- spirit and community.

Keep up the good work guys.

It was also a blast to play with all of you too.

The game play is so different from PR but has its own appeal.

A little buggy at times, but at least it loads very quickly, so in most cases a restart of the game is all you need.

The numerous utilities that can be used to start the mods and core game are great. They update your mods automatically and launch the vanilla game.

For all you doubters about Arma 2... It is well worth the money.

The learning cure is also not that steep.

Just make sure you got the hard drive space and a decent graphics card.

Can't wait till we have our own DayZ server back up... That will be an awesome addition.

While I still Love PR and will forever be a Diehard of BF2, I acknowledge that Arma 2 has a lot to offer us all.

Hope to see more of you out there and may we continue to see more excellent teamwork.

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Glad you're enjoying it.
May want to consider joining us for the weekly mission we've been doing on Saturday evenings: http://veterans-gaming.com/vg-plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?26202.last

Requires ACE/ACRE so adds a bit more to the learning curve but the basics can be picked up quickly enough. And I'm always around to go through anything that people want to brush up on.
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Great to hear! Yes, Arma is certainly rewarding. I am one of the many who owned the game when I had an older PC, and had to make plenty of concessions in order to play it. I found it so amazing that I did anything I could to build an Arma capable gaming PC (and on a budget, too).

Like you said, it still can be buggy at times, but for anything necessary to get this game to play well, it is so very worth it!!

Poffadder and I have had several discussions of PC builds that would run this game sick and slick, and surprisingly often, the total costs tend to be near $1000. Not several thousand, is my point. I may yet move up myself, from this "Arma capable" machine to a purpose built Arma gaming PC - perhaps when Arma 3 comes out...

See you in Takistan, Badploy!!
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That is great to hear Badploy. For all the hours you spent yelling at me in the "killing house" and getting my ass in gear when I first started playing PR, I would be happy to help in any way. You'll need to start using ACE and ACRE soon...so let me know if I can yell at you instead :)
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Thanks for all the support and kind regards guys.

It is so refreshing.

I must say that there is going to be a little time lag before I get on ACRE n ACE with you guys. I hope you had a great session on Saturday.

It looks impressive, the numbers you have been able to assemble. The TS3 channel is always full.

I am a firm believer in doing ones home work on the basics. So for now I will concentrate on learning the idiosyncrasies of this great game.

That way I can ask you guys questions on the advanced stuff.

I am happy to be a follower as well as a leader. So Savage, as squad leader you can yell at me any time..

After all its an integral part of the fun experience!!!
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