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ArmA 2 =VG= Domination: Changes, Additions, and Ideas

=VG= SemlerPDX

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What sound mod do you like to use Ingo?

I can play around with the allowed addons and see if it works.. If it does I will also allow the use of the WarFX Blastcore and JTD FireAndSmoke addons. But only if people who dont have the addons can still join the server.
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=VG= Poffadder wrote ...
I can play around with the allowed addons and see if it works.. If it does I will also allow the use of the WarFX Blastcore and JTD FireAndSmoke addons. But only if people who dont have the addons can still join the server.

Yes, again, our goal from the start is to make this mission require no mods by the general public user. Only ones that are clientside, and believe it or not, ACRE is clientside - in that, you can join a server even if you don't have it running (not the other way around, though).

It makes it more accessible to the public, and I think it will draw more players onto TS3 and subsequently, the website.


It would be very helpful if all "few minor bugs" were specifically listed here by those playing on the Test Server.
If you really want to help, add the mod line -showScriptErrors to your shortcut launcher, if able, and screenshot any errors you see. This helps Poffadder pinpoint problems.

Here's 3 for you, Poff:

The Helicopter Repair Pad problem is a known issue, as is the lack of cz550 ammo.

Yet to be done:
-Set Default Parameters
-Add wooden tanks for Poffadder's target range (and find a suitable location, I suggest the very large lake far north of Shamali)
-Towers to cover openings in corners at FOB (you asked me to note that, Poff)
-Adjust the Notes found under Map. (Lift vehicles sentence, and others)

-Set ending script for SCUD mission (or we just have to fail and let it launch every time! Unresolvable script)
-Final Test after upload regarding certain Assets that start Locked by Admin
-We mentioned making the "City Bus" liftable by CH-47.

Trying to test this, but do all vehicles start with a 117 really, or only if it's scripted to have one? I know we found what doesn't work when a person carries a 148 and a 117/119. But I found if I enter a vehicle with just my 343 and 148, and attempt to use the vehicle radio mount (LShift + LAlt + Q), I only have access to my 148. I then exited the vehicle, went to the back and accessed the Gear trunk, put my 148 (it showed no 117 in it's inventory BTW), got back in and tried again.

This time, no radio at all (did show my 343 greyed out in the vehicle rack...lol). So, gonna keep testing this for logistics.
All ACRE controls are listed under Map, CBA, and Keys....I'll also list them in the ACRE usage post.

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Spent several hours this morning configuring the server to accept ShackTac HUD and ShackTac Movement. Runs now, (I have 6updater ST mods) but can't tell if movement mod working, and STHud doesn't show. Back later. Good luck!

EDIT: Update - STHud and STMovement will not be available as client-side mods on our server; Everyone connecting would have to have the mod or be kicked from the server.
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Two issues. Major issues:
Yes, you should make the MLRS the only asset that begins locked, for the time being.

First big issue: ACRE doesn't work. \

Second major issue:
I (and several others) have ongoing problems with the "new" repair/rearm/refuel pads.
Everything looks and plays awesome except for those 2 problems.

By the way, in the default parameters, 5 things are set wrong. ACRE is one, I can remember, along with Delete Wrecks (still set at 60).
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ACRE is turned back on by default. Delete wrecks is now set to never. The reason for having a time limit for wrecks is so that the server does not have to track them and pass on the wreck object to Join In Progress players - ie: better server performace. If leaving wrecks forever causes lag it will be set to 60 min.

The repair pad will be fixed.

All vehicles are now unlocked except for the A10, Harrier, and MLRS.
Edit: We can unlock the 2 jets next version if that's what people want
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dear Arma2 scriptors,

please dont make your domi into a realism server, it ruins playablilty, and think of the pubbers, cause without them, domi is nothing, like locking the a-10, yes, if an admin is in the server it can be locked, but think, if i dont have admin, i join the domi and no one else is in there and i want to clear an AO, but i dont want to make a ton of trips with a heli with hydras, common sense says A-10, because it has the mavericks and a lot of gun, but oh no its locked. And i dont have admin to unlock it... now i leave and go play somewhere else, because i cant play the server. or say it is unlocked, but you changed the load out so now the a-10 is useless with out a lazer (eg. poffs idea of removing mavericks.) now they want to use the a-10 cause they are by themselves, but its useless with out a laser.

See my point, i like the idea of realism, but keep playability first, and if you change the load out of an a-10, leave access to the default a-10. yes they can be locked when an admin is on, but to keep playability for pubbers, unlocked when an admin is not on, and set-up remote unlock because, it is too much work if your the only admin on to have to go back to base to unlock something. this is why i believe in what semler said about the MLRS being the only thing locked by default.

A concerned =VG= member looking out for pubbers.

PS. i have been feeling more and more that those of you editing this mission have stopped thinking of the public players, and focused more and more on what YOU want to do, what YOU want to play. please dont forget we want to have a fun server for the PUBLIC, while still keeping it teamplay oriented. but it HAS to be played for the public, especially when no admins are around. it needs to have the ability to manage itself, like the insurgency, and PRBF2 servers, keep it playable, use the honor system, abuse the system and lose the privleges. just my 2cents
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Lol...geez. Long post (coming from a long poster !sarc )!! Lets try to address all these issues; gonna have to break it up individually:

=VG= Raptor902 LAN_WROTE ...

please dont make your domi into a realism server, it ruins playablilty, and think of the pubbers, cause without them, domi is nothing, like locking the a-10, yes, if an admin is in the server it can be locked, but think, if i dont have admin, i join the domi and no one else is in there and i want to clear an AO, but i dont want to make a ton of trips with a heli with hydras, common sense says A-10, because it has the mavericks and a lot of gun, but oh no its locked. And i dont have admin to unlock it...

The discussion about changing the current timed lock feature continues, and we've tested a few scenarios already. It is not going to change one way or the other to accomodate the rare instance of a public player being the only person in the server and his ability to go RAMBO the CAS without a forward observer just because he isn't "technically breaking the rules" being that the server's empty.

Post #1 describes the stance we've taken on realism and playability, and I wasn't aware that any of these proposed additions detracted from or killed playability by adding realism. We're not trying to lock them all up, either, but certainly the focus isn't on the scenario of one person by themselves all the time in the server, having a hard time 'cause the A-10 is the only way they know how to destroy the various enemy vehicles in the AO. We have not bypassed any locking features yet, only in alpha testing.

The MLRS will remain locked.

i have been feeling more and more that those of you editing this mission have stopped thinking of the public players, and focused more and more on what YOU want to do, what YOU want to play. please dont forget we want to have a fun server for the PUBLIC, while still keeping it teamplay oriented. but it HAS to be played for the public, especially when no admins are around. it needs to have the ability to manage itself, like the insurgency, and PRBF2 servers, keep it playable, use the honor system, abuse the system and lose the privleges. just my 2cents

A server manage itself? Honor system? Have you seen the ban lists, bro? Lol...but seriously, this concerns me, man. In what way have we stopped thinking of the public and where are we focusing on what we want to do and what we want to play, Raptor? Specifically, please tell us. This is important. If we've derailed, we need to get back on track, as this is our goal at the heart as well. This post and these ideas have been given a few accolades for the additions planned and this is the first I have heard of anything like this regarding these revisions.

now i leave and go play somewhere else, because i cant play the server. or say it is unlocked, but you changed the load out so now the a-10 is useless with out a lazer (eg. poffs idea of removing mavericks.) now they want to use the a-10 cause they are by themselves, but its useless with out a laser.

The A-10 is and continues to be the standard version on the mission, not all GBU's. The discussion is ongoing, and input is helpful. The HUD itself has a CCIP pipper, for accurate manual release, though like the warthog cannon, requires a little effort to use in that there's no target locking - that in no way makes the GBU variant useless to RAMBO. Personally on this issue, I'll fly either one - the only reason I'm partial to the original is it's AA capabilities.

See my point, i like the idea of realism, but keep playability first, and if you change the load out of an a-10, leave access to the default a-10. yes they can be locked when an admin is on, but to keep playability for pubbers, unlocked when an admin is not on, and set-up remote unlock because, it is too much work if your the only admin on to have to go back to base to unlock something.

This mission is a work in progress, not all have been implemented. The only reason to lock an a-10 or harrier would be if we didn't use the 10 minute auto-kick time. There's no need to micro-manage an all the ways you just described, and this remote locking and unlocking isn't exactly at the top of the priorities list. We have rules posted, and we're all admins. Keep an eye on the players joining the server, encourage teamwork; if they mess up, warn/kick/ban.
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Ok fixed the Heli,s lifting stuff.. from storm trooper Bikes to M1A2,s and MLRS
aswell as loading crates ... and crap..
Fixed Base lighting towers and building lighting.. looks like Vegas
Fixed tow tug for moving around aircraft... for the non fliers and bad plane parkers
Can load any wheeled vehicle into MV-22.. But the turret sticks out.. So yer can shot the bad dudes and para drop it with smoke any were
Fixed leveling objects... eg:- light towers,tents, pretty much any thing... we use a big f..kin hammer
This is my first ever try at ARMA2:OA scripting and map editing..So be nice
We aussie dudes luv it... we got more tools or toys to do the job...the mission is still the same VG-DOM-COOP ..
And my best buddy " DILLIGAF86 " made it perfect adding AI Recruitment ... to fill the player gap...
the AI work well as our spotters and wood ducks..they also cap bunkers .. well done AI bots
there is a sample of the modded mission in =VG= teamspeak 3
" World of Tanks channel " file browser.. or just ask and its yours
Luv to hear what you think about it..
Big thanks " cheers"..
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  • 2 months later...
it refers to something I cannot find. I'll run the old one and the new VG one through that Beyond Compare 3 program when I get done with what I'm doing. AFAIK, the chopper service worked on my first test, but need to upload to server for final testing for the jet service.
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