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New PC build


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Well guys I'm a pickle with a decision... Intel or AMD. I understand that Intel is the best as far as performance, but AMD is comparable but just doesn't take the cake with performance. Now I'm a poor fuck like the rest of the working world, I'm leaning towards another AMD build but really wanting an Intel layout. Is there any Intel CPU's that are price comparable with performance with a budget of a man drinking beer with champagne dreams?
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for starters, you could reuse your case, power supply, disk drive(s), and just spend your money on a good MB, CPU + good cooler, and RAM - might want to also get at least one SATA3 storage drive (SSD or HDD/Hybrid) as you wouldn't want to pass up a next-gen performance enhancement like that...

I think the MB/CPU/RAM that Poff has would be around $300 US, maybe a little more - and those are Intel IVY bridge I believe... He'd have to tell you the brands, tho...
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Well I currently have two PC's that I'm working on, the one I'm using now and another which is the one that's getting the overhaul. I salvaged a older Sony Viao case that is just cool looking. I want to completely rebuild the PC from motherboard up and the one I'm using...I need memory preferably 8 GB of dual channel DDR3. Im running a ASuS M4A88T motherboard with a Phenom II B60 BE Quad core processor. My budget would be around $200 to $300 USD.
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Check the AMD site to find memory they have already tested. Then try Newegg for a price. Double check that I have the right MB selected as there are different versions. This one has integrated graphics.


Make sure your case has power supply that the proper connection plugs for your MB. A 5400 rpm hard drive would be reliable and cheap. A 7200 rpm drive would load faster but the difference is minimal. SSD would be a rocket in comparison. If you have to buy a new PSU then check the dimensions and make sure it fits properly in your case including the wires hanging out the back. I just built a microATX and the PSU fit but the wires added length to the PSU that I didn't account for.

If you have onboard video use that first and see if it works well enough for you. Check reviews at places like Toms Hardware for a cheap standalone vid card. I'd stick with Radeon since it's an AMD board.

I still use CRT monitors but you should be able to get a cheap name brand 23" LCD and still be in budget.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Gonna hijack your thread Shilling hope that is OK !crazy

So I have $800 I can spend to get my gaming PC running again,

I already have:

Intel i7 980 CPU - LGA1366
Pile of hard drives including 128 GB SSD
DVD drive
650W power supply

I need:

Motherboard (1366)
Case that doesn't suck ass or make me rage when I need to clean a god-damn filter (ie: not the Antec 900 series)
Good headphones with mic
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That one won't work for his current CPU (LGA1366) cuz it's 1150 - may have to go with this if he wants a superboard: http://www.superbiiz.com/detail.php?name=MB-WS555A2&c=CJ

would need a couple Xeon's tho - but damn - wouldn't that be a peach?
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Here's what I'm looking at for boards:

Asus X58 (same board I had before) about $250

Asus P6X - about $340

MSI X58 - about $195
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Case: i always used cheiftec towers, they're still awesome

Headset: Hmm, astro a50 is my dream headset, but 300$ :/

GPU: ill prefer to stay on the NVidia GTX x60-Ti Models...
You can sell it for a good price and get the new model for ~260? on release (all ~1,5yrs) ...

Board: for workstations i always use intel boards, for gaming rigs i were positive surprised by the gigabyte boards.
and dont waste money on a "triple-sli"-like mainboard unless you really need it...
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Speaking of filtered cases, you'll notice that there are still plenty of large seams between side sheets and the rear panel for example, and though most airflow will go through the fans and their filters, you can ensure that those are the only intakes by sealing cracks with electrical tape. I guess I'm a little over zealous with that being in a garage, and not a proper indoor room, but I do deal with a lot of dust.
As I mentioned once before, I even toss those moisture absorbant packets inside the case whenever I get one from a box with new shoes or other items that come with them. But, again, I deal with greater than 60 percent humidity at times - can't wait till the new room is finished!!
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So headsets.. well the Sennheiser 350 and 360 are purdy decent if you are hellbent on a headset with ze mic.
Each has their own pro's and cons.

This thread here is a good read if your in the market.

I went with a DT770 Pro 250ohm + Antlion Mod Mic ( The current mic I'm using ) + Asus STX that package goes for about 360 to 607 depending on the retailer.
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Thanks Jager will check it out... already have a good headset without a mic so need another for gaming.

@Semler - yeah I'm gonna have to get more serious about environment in my gaming room including dust filters. Don't want to have something like this happen again.
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