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(BANNED)=GoCV= Peter P. and =GoCV= Ota B.


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Hi there!

=GoCV= Peter P. and =GoCV= Ota B.

This guys join =VG= Arma2 Insurgency coop server today and start teamkilling. They camp at hq spawn and kill everybody, use chinook to shoot at friendlies, etc. Server became empty. Unbelievable! We (normal players) try to kick them, some of us kill this guys to prevent unceasing teamkill, but they continue do their shit. Enough. I catch only their nicknames and all I want is permanent ban for this shitheads. Me and (Im sure) other players dont want to see them again.
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The next time you see a shithead I want you to get a screenshot of their GUID and PM me who they are, what happened and why I should ban them.

This is the command you type in the chat window. To scroll up open you chat window and hit the Page Up key.

#beclient players : Displays the list of GUID's of all players on the server

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