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Arma 3 Server #1 - port 2402

=VG= SavageCDN

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OK added you both your stats should start showing up after you join the server.

Yeah I'll add some VG swag for sure although I don't have much in the way of images.. can you send some my way to try out?

So if you check the main War Room page we are located in the Faroe Islands as a Recon Section !declare

Oh and FYI the stats will probably get reset once this is released to the general public so don't get too attached to your K:D ratio
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Upcoming War Room features:

- after action reports... so you can analyse event by event what happened on the map
- the ability to look at the current state of a mission, loadouts, vehicles etc
- the ability to edit the mission on the web page - add markers, tasks, change loadouts, vehicles etc
- twitch integration for live streaming of ops
- live map, so people can follow the action on a tablet etc
- logistics demands via web
- place enemy via web, like MCC

And more.....

Make sure when you sign up you do so as a user - do not register a new group. After you've been connected to the game data you will get a message next time you login to the server saying Player connected to Database or something similar.

** When closing mission **
[07/02/2014 8:08:14 PM] Tupolov: just remember when closing misson, get people to abort, then admin aborts and use #missions to close it out..
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I am having trouble with PW6, at least when playing Arma2.

Everytime i join the Vanilla or ace server it loads the cba_co instead of cba_oa cba_a2 and cba, this end up not allowing me the entrance to the server, anyway of making this stop?
(I am asuming that i need those cba i said and not the cba_co since the message i get when i am kicked says i must delete it)

The problem is; eventhough i manually deleted the folder it doesent load the other "cba", No one will be enabled even if i mark them).
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  • 1 month later...
So I'm thinking we don't need 2 ALiVE servers just not sure what to do with this one? Run vanilla? Add our list of mods?



-Both servers are now running the public version of ALiVE
-stats tracking will be enabled in the next day or two
-if you haven't signed up on the ALiVE War Room yet PM me and I'll fwd the details
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  • 8 months later...
Added Arma 3 Domination to the port 2402 server.

This is a new domi version and includes support for headless client which I have also setup and configured on the port 2412 server (TCAdmins - please leave gameservice 6 stopped - I'm running the HC through my login account for now). If anyone's still playing A3 give it a shot and post any feedback here.
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  • 6 months later...
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