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Arma 3 ALiVE Test Event

=VG= SavageCDN

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One of the ALiVE testers is having an event this Friday to test the new version (not yet released). All are welcome to join in this testing just post here if you can make it.

Friday January 17th
20:30 CET
19:30 GMT
14:30 Eastern

filter for "tangodown"

pass: tangodown

JIP is supported.

Mods required:


Optional Mods:


It's possible that TMR_Alt will cause issues since they are not using it on their server - use VTS_Weaponresting instead and check the userconfig file to change your key settings.

The version of ALiVE is not available through regular download - please delete your version and install this one:

Link to Tangodown forum post:

Test Server:

Join anytime to test your mods
Filter for tangodown : 2302


MurderFace (maybe)
Instant (maybe)
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^ I'll set something up and put it in the TS3 Arma 3 ALiVE channel (required mods only - JSRS2 alone is a few gigs)

As FYI we are using the 'other' radio mod - Task Force Radio. Make sure you get it installed and working before the event. I'll post up more details where you can join a test server to make sure everything is working.

@Murder - ALiVE is MSO for Arma 3
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Apparently it's very similar to ACRE even the default keys.. it's what their group uses instead of ACRE (ACRE is not officially supported in A3 yet). I'll post a link to the test server as soon as I find out.

Required mods are available now in TS3 file browser for ALiVE channel (EventModPack.zip)

TFR manual:

Usage<br /><br />Keys                                Action<br /><br />Push-to-talk button in TeamSpeak                    Direct Speech<br />Caps Lock                            To talk on a radio<br />CTRL + Caps Lock                    To talk on a long range radio<br />CTRL + P                            To open the personal radio interface <br />NUM[1-8]                            Rapid switching of shortwave radio channels<br />ALT + P                            To open a long range radio interface<br />CTRL + NUM[1-9]                        Rapid switching of long range radio channels<br />CTRL + TAB                    To change the direct speech volume. Whispering, Normal or Yellin.<br />SHIFT + P                            To open an underwater transceiver interface <br />ALT + Caps Lock                        To talk on underwater transceiver<br />ESC                                To exit from the radio interface
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Short vid from TanoDown:

Semler's stream 30 minutes in for vid start, 1hr 10mins for deployment

EDIT: =VG= SemlerPDX wrote ...

The saved video on Justin/TwitchTV has no highlights yet, I will get on it - but for now, the entire video is on YouTube WITH highlights links in the description. This is a 3 hour raw stream - only 2 hours of game time, so much needs to be "fast forwarded" to get to the good stuff. So just use the YouTube to check out what happened.

http://youtu.be/4IPRc1xaRYk?t=48m <- YouTube Link (better)... 48 minutes into the video - see descrip!

(For those who want to stream, too: I used OBS for Streamer to TwitchTV, and told OBS to save the file for YT upload. The 3hr 40min was only 5GB .mp4 - quality not bad, and OBS allowed me to insert LIVE in real time, say, my brothers music, any cutscene I want on a HotKey binding like: fade to black, fade to image, fade to gameplay, fade to slideshow, cut sound, cut mic, etc. DON'T use the mic gate - that is why my mic cuts out. Ask me for details if this is something you want to do as well - it didn't even max my CPU - Phenom II x4 w 8GB RAM, with 3.5Mbps Upload speed set in OBS.)
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