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Arma 2 ACE Campaign: Back to Iraq 22.09.2012


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Sounds like a very reasonable request to move it back a week.....I might even be able to play now ;)

I still cannot figure out why my ACRE will not function.

I am running TS3 as Admin
I think I set it up and ace clippi all correct etc
I hear Radio Clicks and my characters mouth moves when I hit Caps Lock
Problem is, my team cannot hear a word I say, just empty space between radio clicks....grrrrr
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Reaper LAN_WROTE ...

Sounds like a very reasonable request to move it back a week.....I might even be able to play now ;)

I still cannot figure out why my ACRE will not function.

I am running TS3 as Admin
I think I set it up and ace clippi all correct etc
I hear Radio Clicks and my characters mouth moves when I hit Caps Lock
Problem is, my team cannot hear a word I say, just empty space between radio clicks....grrrrr

Make sure your TS3 push-to-talk key is different than your ACRE push to talk key (capslock), and also disable the in-game push-to-talk key under your keyboard controls. If that doesn't fix it we'll get you sorted out.

What does everyone think of doing an Invasion1944 day since the event is being pushed back a week? There is a recent update with some new stuff.. could be fun.

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SavageCDN =VG= LAN_WROTE ...

Reaper LAN_WROTE ...

Sounds like a very reasonable request to move it back a week.....I might even be able to play now ;)

I still cannot figure out why my ACRE will not function.

I am running TS3 as Admin
I think I set it up and ace clippi all correct etc
I hear Radio Clicks and my characters mouth moves when I hit Caps Lock
Problem is, my team cannot hear a word I say, just empty space between radio clicks....grrrrr

Make sure your TS3 push-to-talk key is different than your ACRE push to talk key (capslock), and also disable the in-game push-to-talk key under your keyboard controls. If that doesn't fix it we'll get you sorted out.

I have the RIGHT ALT key assigned as my TS3 Push to talk key. I disabled the in game push to talk and VON talk key.

I adjusted the RADIO in game slider to zero to avoid AI Radio messages, good or bad, lol

I am launching ArmA via Armarize launcher.....is that OK?
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Just a reminder due to Charry's game issues we are delaying this event until next weekend.

There is talk of doing some ACE/ACRE stuff to help out the new Arma players instead.. or we can do something else.. up to you guys.

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Due to ongoing issues with Charry's Arma CD key we will delay his mission until he's back up and running (he said it could be another week).

Taking suggestions for this week:

  • DayZ Lingor - not really a 'group' event but a possibility

  • ACE - ACRE mission(s) and some training for the new guys

  • Invasion1944 day - new updates and missions since last one

  • One of my missions - I have a few that I could finish up quickly

  • Something else...

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*RESCHEDULE NOTES: sorry for the delays, but our mission coordinator has had some technical difficulties with his game, and BI Studios will have sent a fix to him by early next week. Therefore, we must postpone the first mission of this campaign by one more week.

New Date: September 22nd
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