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ACE Ordnance Usage

=VG= Calv

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Figured I'd make a quick post detailing the various ordnance types introduced in ACE. Mainly concerned with people knowing how to use satchels and the SLAM, but knowing what all the different grenades do and using them correctly can be a huge tactical advantage.

Satchel: Heavy-duty explosive ordnance. Will destroy most targets and disable heavily armoured targets such as Tunguska and MBTs. Due to the weight not advisable to carry more than one per person.

Command Detonation

Select ARM from the interaction menu. This arms the satchel. An entry will appear in your action menu ("Safety off satchel #xxxx").
Satchel is ready to touch off.

Timed Detonation

Select SET TIMER from the interaction menu. Set timer to 2, 5 or 10 minutes. RESET removes timed mode from satchel and sets it back to COMMAND mode.

After timer has been set, select ARM to run the timer. No entry will appear in your action menu.
Satchel will explode after x minutes.

Only Timed Detonation satchels can be attached to a vehicle, so place it next to a vehicle, arm it, and you can attach it to the vehicle using the interaction menu on the satchel.

There are two variants of the SLAM, these are identical in terms of explosive power and only differ in the following way: M2 becomes inert (disarmed) after the timer expires (unless set to timed detonation). M4 self-destructs when the timer expires.
The benefit of the SLAM is that it is effective against infantry, cars, and lightly armoured vehicles.

The coloured boxes are areas on the interface where you can click to change the functionality of the SLAM.
Yellow box: PIRS Cover (Passive Infra Red Sensor)
Green Box: Blasting Cap plug
Blue Box: Timer Switch (Cycle up/down by clicking in the red areas). Times are, in order; 4, 10, 24 Hours, 15, 30, 45, 60 Minutes.
Cyan Box: Arming pin

The different attack modes for the SLAM are
Magnetically fuzed Bottom attack: Relatively easy to spot on a road, only effective against cars and some lightly armoured targets.
IR/Thermal fuzed Side attack: Can be hidden up to 15m away from where you expect the target to be and sighted in. Is capable of destroying cars and disabling most lightly armoured vehicles. The damage done to light armoured vehicles largely depends on how close they are to the SLAM and where the charge hits the vehicle.
Command detonation: Functions in Side Attack mode, so sight the SLAM, then detonate when ready.
Timer: Functions in Side Attack mode, so sight the SLAM, then clear the area.

Bottom attack

Place the mine on the ground in the path of the target
Make sure the timer is set to 4, 10 or 24 Hours
Pull the arming pin
The SLAM will detonate when a vehicle drives over it.

Side attack

Place the SLAM ~2-15m away from the target area
Sight the mine in towards the target
Make sure the timer is set to 4, 10, or 24 Hours
Remove the PIRS Cover
Pull the arming pin
The SLAM will detonate when a vehicle drives past the sensor, and fire an explosivly formed projectile at the target.
(Note: The sensor is sensitive enough that even infantry might set it off)

Command Detonation

Place the SLAM ~2-15m away from the target area
Sight the mine in towards the target
Insert blasting cap
Pull arming pin
To detonate select Safety off (SLAM x) then Detonate SLAM x from the action menu.


Place the SLAM ~2-15m away from the target area
Sight the mine in towards the target
Set timer to 15, 30, 45, or 60 Minutes
Pull arming pin
The SLAM will go off after the set amount of time.

Fairly standard anti-personnel mine, when detonated launches multiple fragments towards the direction it is aimed. Always sight towards expected enemy presence. Can be detonated manually or setup via tripwire.

M16A1 Bouncing Betty
Anti-Personnel Mine. Extremely effective against groups of infantry, upon activating "bounces" to eye level and detonates covering a large area in shrapnel. Can be armed to detonate on proximity or via tripwire.

Place mine on ground, may be buried on dirt surfaces.
Select tripwire and move to where you want the wire to end, upto 20m away, then end tripwire.

Place mine, bury if desired, arm.

M49A1 Flare Mine
Essentially a warning system, place and setup a tripwire and when crossed smoke will be emitted to notify you of such.

First thing to know is how to throw grenades. You should enable the Grenade Throw script in the ACE Clippi tool, accessed via the taskbar when the game is running. This scripts allows you the following throw types:
Normal throw - Grenade flies in a normal arc. Denoted by an upwards curving arrow.
Precise throw - Grenade flies directly where you're pointing at (and not ~30 degrees higher as in default amplitude throw). Allows you to throw grenades into windows etc with high precision (after some practice). Denoted by a horizontal arrow.
Roll - Grenade goes low and parallel to the ground, fast enough to bounce ('roll') 10 or so meters. Denoted by a downwards curving arrow. (!! Do not try to roll the RGO !!)
Drop - Right at your feet. You'd better move if this is not smoke or something harmless. Denoted by a downwards arrow.

Grenade Types
M67 Frag Grenade: Everyone should know this one, explodes and send fragments flying in every direction. Can be thrown about 40m and fragments can hit targets upto about 20-25m.

Smoke: Again, everyone should know. Throw and wait for smoke to appear. Always check the wind direction (Shift-K) before throwing otherwise you may end up with the smoke blowing in the opposite direction providing no cover.

AN-M14 Incendiary: Fire in a canister. Largely ineffective against infantry unless they stand next to one for several seconds. Can be used for destroying equipment, caches, etc without the need for explosives. Overall it's mostly useless in Arma.

M34 White Phosphorous: Essentially this is a frag, gas and smoke all mixed together, very deadly. Initial detonation blast can wound up to about 30-35m. Resulting smoke will then disorient and blind anyone close without a gas mask and provide a cover screen.

M7A3 CS Gas: Teargas basically, throw (or launch via M203) into a compound or house and enter safe in the knowledge the occupants are crying like little girls. Ensure you bring gas masks and check wind direction before using.

M84 Flashbang: It flashes and it bangs. Effective range of at most 2m, so best confined to use indoors. Blinds and deafens targets for several seconds.

M86 Pursuit Deterrent: Interesting and very handy grenade to have with you. When thrown it will wait about 5 seconds and then deploy 8 tripwires in various directions around itself. The detonation is rarely lethal but will badly wound anyone caught in it. can be useful to protect flanks when in a static position, to cover possible reinforcement routes when assaulting a position, or to cover your egress from hostile locations.

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yeah i saw some videos on most of these explosives but i dont ever get a chance to use them. i like blowing things up though so i should bring them with me. id love to play as insurgents and do things like IED ambushes but unfortunately it seems i'm always assaulting. i guess laying claymores at the flanks or back would be really useful for assaulting a compound and covering streets.
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