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Basic ACE tips

=VG= Calv

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List of things everyone new to ACE should know, feel free to add anything I miss:

* Two most important keys: The right windows key and the app menu - usually located to the right of the space bar, between ALT and CTRL. If you do not have those keys on your keyboard once ingame you will need to press Escape and go into ACE Settings to find what keys Interaction and Self Interaction are bound to - often they will be bound to 1 and 2. These keys allow you to interact with other people, vehicles, objects etc (Right windows key) and treat your own wounds, place explosives, put in earplugs etc (App key).

* Items now have real weight - After selecting your loadout, press G and your current loadout weight will be displayed at the top. Anything over 35-40kg will cause you to pass out after a short run.

* After selecting your loadout, the first thing you should do is press your self interaction key (App key) and select Goggles/earplugs option, and put in earplugs. - You only have to do this when you connect to the server, they will remain in when you respawn.

* AT weapons have backblast. - This means that anyone standing within 30-60 metres of the rear of your AT weapon will die or be injured. Shout clear backblast and visually check your rear before firing. Also, if you have any walls/buildings etc within 30-60m you will likely kill yourself with the backblast.

* You no longer have a crosshair, use numpad / to switch between scopes and ironsights.

* There is no ammo count for your current magazine, use ' to check your current mag, you will get a coloured message in the top left of the screen to inform you of the status of your magazine. It takes a few seconds to carry out this check, so make sure you are in cover. - Best advice is to check before entering/leaving buildings/compounds.

* You can bleed to death - whenever you believe you have been hit (blood splash on screen is a good indication) press your self interaction key (App key) and select treat wounds. Always bandage wounds first, you may need to apply several bandages if you were hit badly. It takes several seconds to bandage and you do so in a crouch. So ensure you are in cover or at minimum concealment.

* If the edge of your screen is white, you are making noise, and your aim is shaky. You are in pain, apply morphine using method above.

* Only Medics can fully heal you with a medkit - their supply is limited so try to avoid calling a medic if you are still able to move and shoot.

* You always spawn with 2 bandages, 2 morphine and 2 epi - If possible it is wise to select 1 medkit during loadout (helps prevent medics running out during heavy engagements), spare bandages and morphine are also handy unless you need the space for grenade launcher rounds.

* Weapon Quick Select - Shift + `, 1, 2, 3, 4 will select SAFE, Rifle, GL, Thrown weapon, Placed weapon.

* You DO NOT have a parachute - wait for the chopper to land.

* High calibre bullets can penetrate walls - use this to your advantage - the enemy will do the same.

* Explosions are dangerous to be around, an exploding weapons cache will injure you even when behind obstacles/buildings unless you are laid down or completely clear of the blast.

* Placing a satchel charge - Press self interaction (App key) and select explosives/place charge. Target satchel on ground and press interaction (Right windows key) and remove safety for manual detonation, or set timer and remove safety for timed detonation. To detonate manually use scroll menu to remove trigger safety, then scroll menu to detonate.

* CROWS targeting - Press numpad + several times to access thermal optics.

* AA - every second insurgent seems to have an AA missile - If you fly over an AO you WILL be shot down.

* Insurgent AI - They are more aggressive and a little bit smarter. If you are providing overwatch - they will flank you. If you hide in a house or behind cover for too long, they will surround you.

There are many, many more advanced things that could be mentioned but the best way to learn about them is to either ask when at the main base in-game or go into your single-player missions and load up ACE demo, it provides you with a magic box with all the ACE items inside, so you can try everything out.
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* You no longer have a crosshair, use numpad / to switch between scopes and ironsights.

With aceclippi (Path: \Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\@ACE\clippi) you can disable manually crosshair
or annoying AI chatter for example. These functions can be set individually for each player profile.

IMPORTANT: Don't forget to run ace clippi as ADMIN
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  • 2 months later...
There is definitely interest in ACE+ACRE still - we did have it running on a server however there were lots of issues with beta versions of TS3, etc and it was getting frustrating trying to make it all work. I'm sure that's all been worked out by now however.
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Yeah the acre/ts issue was resolved shortly before the server was taken down.
I may be wrong but I think one of the issues was that running the server requires fairly frequent updates which creates more work for blud.

It would be nice to have a ace/acre server with insurgency and domination maps loaded onto it though.
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If you have the Insurgency ACE/ACRE map that had the issue fixed, email it to me or something....I'll work on it. Thinking about setting up ACE/ACRE on an event basis at least, perhaps on a private server. But Insurgency isn't going anywhere soon, it rocks! And Domi will too, when we're finished here.
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I believe Dman should have the insurgency map that we were running as he was the one who made some changes to it.

The issue was with the version of ACRE that was available at the time, it was merely an old version that wasn't compatible with the new TS version. It has been updated several times since then and works fine with the current TS version AFAIK.
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