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Guest =VG= Raptor902

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this is ridiculous, i just got my NRA American Warrior issue #5, and there is an article about how Veterans who come back with severe service related injuries who have to get financial aid because while in recovery they cant care for themselves, and once they recover the fact that they received financial aid, makes it impossible for them to ever buy a gun again because they are added to the FBI instant background check list for mental instability. This is Freaking ridiculous, these people who fight and sacrifce everything for our country lose their 2nd amendment because the VA's paperwork system is flawed.

I think this is BS...

Since 1999, the VA has routinely passed on names to the FBI for inclusion on the National Instant Criminal
Background Check,? said Sen. Richard Burr, R-N.C. ?These are veterans who, for a number of reasons, are assigned fiduciaries to handle their finances, to handle those disability checks, and by what the VA has interpreted the letter of the law, they?re required when they assign fiduciaries to then take away their Second
Amendment right. ?A fiduciary is meant to determine one?s financial responsibility,? Burr added, ?rather than to make a determination as to whether somebody is a danger to himself or herself. In this particular case, the blurred lines between those two aren?t even acknowledged by the VA.? The law regarding NICS background checks disqualifies
anyone who has been adjudicated ?mentally defective?

?Today there are roughly 114,000 veterans and veterans? family members who have had their ability to purchase a firearm in the U.S. stripped away,? Cox said. ?These are men and women who not only swore an oath to support the Constitution, but who risked their lives, lost their limbs and suffered the immense pain of separation from their families, all to defend our constitutional rights. How can this happen??

?What alarms me now is we?ve got a tremendous amount of OEF and OIF veterans who will come out, especially as we draw down our forces in Afghanistan and Iraq,? Sen. Burr said. ?Many will be assigned fiduciaries to take care of their finances. Maybe it?s because of a physical limitation that they?ve got. These kids, in this case, will lose their Second Amendment right if we don?t change this before their separation.?

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Dude, get used to it!!

It's the same bullshit the politicians and the VA pull all the time. Just like the deal with the Montgomery GI bill where Veterans who served between 1980-92 don't receive benefits after they have discharged.

Of course when I joined they did not tell you this LITTLE fact. Now believe me when I say, if I would have know this when I was a young 17yr old SNOT, I would have told them to kiss my ass. And they pretty much hid it for several years from the service members, a lot of people got out after their first tour because of it. I decided to stay as the damage was done and getting out wasn't going to fix the problem, I enjoyed the Army so I stayed for 12yrs.

The military institutions, in and of it's self, the command, the core people and units are fabulous and a pleasure to work for and with hand in hand.

It's the government institutions above the military command that CONSTANTLY fuck the service members, that's what we get for our selfless service and sacrifice. !threaten

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