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Reporting for duty!!!


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Hello all! My name is SeraphimSeven, and I am a simaholic!!! No, wait, this isn't one of those meetings is it? No of course not! LoL! Got invited to join the group after commenting on one of the VeteranGamers videos on YouTube yesterday and now here I am. Really cool setup you all have going on here, very professional looking with fine attention to detail! I am really looking forward to getting BMS up and running and proceeding to chop nork fighters out of the air in droves, and possibly light up a T-72.....or two! I also play F4AF with the skunkworks mod, went SA-10 hunting last night for the first time in a while, remember why I used to have bad dreams about those bastages!!! Again, thanks for accepting me into this fine establishment. And one last thing, when is chow???? :D
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Welcome to the site! A new update just came out for Falcon BMS 4.32 so I'm doing the dance right now getting re installed but I'll be flying later tonight. All the stuff you need to get it installed you can find in our DL section. See you soon!

1. Falcon 4.0 .exe
2. BMS 4.32
3. Update 1
4. MFD/CMS File
5. MP Fix

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Welcome to the website, bro! SA-10 Hunting, eh? I had my most entertaining time in Falcon on a SEAD Strike with Tyox a ways back. I liken it to "whack-a-mole"...as the RADAR spikes up, me just inside it's detection to keep it interested, and Tyox slams a HARM down it's throat. Good times....
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