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[poll] Which of the upcoming console will you buy?

=VG= Ingo

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Gabe's box sounds cool. But you can just partition your PC drive to do the same thing. With the direction that MS is going with Win8 then Linux may be the only way to go in the future.

If some of you like win 8 then good for you. I just built a Win8 machine and it started super easy and ended with frustration over simple things like windows update (d/l errors) or setting up email (had to d/l windows outlook cuz the built in one was an adware trap. C'mon Bill G., really?)

Short answer is the product has bugs, missing legacy programs, and is filled with MS specific bloatware.

And the last two gerations ofconsoles are just as bad. I miss the old Atari days. Pong anyone?
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I voted PS4 - I won't buy one but my buddy will and I'll occasionally play on it. Steam box sounds interesting...

@PITN - don't get me started with Windows 8 - boss at work wanted to get it on his system I told him he'd have to fire me first. As usual with any Microsoft OS you need to skip every 2nd iteration

95 bad, 98 good, ME bad, XP good, Vista bad, 7 good, 8 bad
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SavageCDN =VG= LAN_WROTE ...

I voted PS4 - I won't buy one but my buddy will and I'll occasionally play on it. Steam box sounds interesting...

@PITN - don't get me started with Windows 8 - boss at work wanted to get it on his system I told him he'd have to fire me first. As usual with any Microsoft OS you need to skip every 2nd iteration

95 bad, 98 good, ME bad, XP good, Vista bad, 7 good, 8 bad

Yeah, i imagine how MS boss comes to the office and says "Ok, guys, it's time again, we have to make the shit os again. What's your ideas?"
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