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Rest in Peace RAM22

=VG= SemlerPDX

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Sadly, I must share news of a long time member and friend of VG - a fellow Falconeer and BMS pilot many of us knew as RAM22 or Cloud9 has passed away.

The notice was posted on the BMS forums which I will quote here in its entirety.  RAM22 will be missed, and for those of us who knew him, will live on forever in our hearts and our memories.

Rest in peace, RAM22


From 117LAP (about 4 hours ago):

Dear community,

It is with a heavy heart that I share some very sad news with all of you. Our dear friend Ram 22 or Cloud 9 was facing a critical health condition, and unfortunately he passed away on 12-12-2023. Many of you maybe know him from days of Allied force and Free Falcon time.

As a community, let us come together to offer our thoughts and prayers. If you would like to share memories or offer words of comfort, please feel free to do so.

We fly together a lot of times since 2010 and I know a lot of members here that he learned how to with Falcon.

Rest in Peace my friend and Eternally blue sky.


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