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Should we promote missions made by players outside VG?

=VG= .Blizzard.

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Well Yes But Actually No GIF by walter_



Well jokes aside, but YES we need to promote missions outside VG, this is a must if we want to have more people join our servers. We need people here, we need to expand and we also need to have more friends than foes.!

For these things there will be a set of rules that every mission maker has to respect and to follow. We can`t have chaos/anarchy and also we  can`t force players to change mods as devs please.  We must force mission makers to follow a certain set of preferences that players have ( no go for what you want ) go with what players might want to have (missions, mods, era, etc..) . I`ve seen admins/ mission makers/ devs trying to make missions that they wanted to play but not others... this is bad, very bad. Postponing is also bad, make sure your missions are tested, we can give access to testing, this shouldn`t be an issue. Also the time of the events might be an issue. From my experience I`ve seen that the best time to have an event is around 20:00 GMT or 21:00 and the day preferred by everyone is either Saturday or Friday. Most go to work after Sunday and they can`t stay up all night as most are from EU.  

There will be, and I am sure everyone will agree, a set of rules that will make everything tied up and force mission makers to make content for players and not think only about themselves. The devs here will have a discussion about this in the near future and this post is only a heads up. 

We are willing to cooperate and we want you, only if you are willing to cooperate with us!



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