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About this blog

Battlefield 2: Project Reality
*Suggested from @=VG= Fastjack*


This is a military blog that can give you some informations about models and variations of armored vehicles, aircrafts, watercrafts, armaments, weapons and firearms around the world (including my country too, i had more stuff to post it here). I'm also including these not just in real-life only, but also the same stuff in PR:BF2 as well, hope you can get some knowledge here.


Enjoy reading,



Entries in this blog

The M27 IAR: Loved by Marines, Questionable to Army, What is the US Army thinks about making their own rifle? What made them decline adopting HK M27 in real-life?

Hello guys, Inch here~ ( ´ ▽ ` )/ It's been awhile no seeing around. Good thing now i 've got time to do some random blogging here related to military, in real-life nor in-game. Today, we will be talking about how HK M27 Infantry Automatic Rifle exist and adopted in the US Marine Corps, why the US Army doesn't want M27 IAR adopted to their section, and what their possible plans on making their own gun, replacing the M249 in service?       As far as few people know, the M

=VG= Inch

=VG= Inch in Real-Life Guns and Applications

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