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  1. Logitech Wireless USB Receiver Can Open Logitech's Unlock USB Keyboard, Security Unlock, Logitech USB Unifying, Logitech Mouse Unlockable, Logitech Mouse Keyboard could break open for hackers, MouseJack, Logitech USB Unifying be vulnerable to MouseJack, Logitech USB Unifying MouseJack, Keystroke, Keylogger, logitech firmware upgrade, logitech wireless keyboard, wireless logitech mouse If you buy a Logitech wireless keyboard or mouse, it comes with a wireless USB receiver that lets you connect your device to your computer, which comes in handy if your computer does not support Bluetooth. We probably don’t give the dongle too much thought, but it seems that you definitely should. This is because according to a report from The Verge, Logitech’s wireless dongles are being shipped with a vulnerability that could make them susceptible to a hack. This is not new as it was an issue that was reported back in 2016 where it was known as “MouseJack”. Logitech had issued a patch to fix it, but The Verge has discovered that even today’s Logitech products are still being shipped with a dongle that has yet to be patched. It should be noted that Logitech’s products aren’t the only ones potentially affected by this security flaw, and that other wireless products from the likes of Dell, HP, Lenovo, and Microsoft that use the same chipsets and firmware are susceptible too. The upside is that Logitech allows users to update the firmware, which is a good thing. The solution is simple, download and install as soon as possible the firmware update to protect yourself. Both the Mac and Windows versions are available at https: //support.logi.com/hc/en-us/com Take Care !! malpaso
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