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=VG= Condrad

VG Clan Member
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Posts posted by =VG= Condrad

  1. had a kid join my trans squad one day and saw him had some rough landings and decided to give him some tips.
    turns out he was very new to the game but learns fast. so there I go teaching him some tricks to help him fly and land better. after that  a few days later had a DM on discord not sure how he found me tho xD

    reasons why i help randoms how to play the game.


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  2. no.... i was gonna make he's T-shirt...  we just talked recently...

    he was one of my closes friends here. we always hang out when we have time to play. he always cheers me up even tho I've always been negative recently... I appreciated he's company so coz even if he was also having a hard time in life he still tries to cheer up others who are down... 

    I'll miss the days he would randomly join my squad just to check up on how I was doing. he was one of those people I take strength from to keep me up float. 

    Skidz I wasn't much help for you in your final days. but I hope and pray your doing well now. no more pain rest you've done alot for us. I'll see you soon...

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  3. assets on same squad are usually 1st come 1st server. but if the squadlead gives specific orders that takes priority. now for your situation it is not your squad mates fault you got tked it is also possible he/she didnt notice you claimed it already. in any case they did know politely inform them of the event where you got tked on your asset. so they know you have already claimed it. if they dont comply go talk to your squadleader about it.


    • Thanks 3
  4. as everyone said I don't want a commander giving me an order that I know wont work. being the commander is a big role to fill. I've done it a couple of times and not everyone will comply to your orders in many reasons.
    - they dont know you
    - your tactics have flaws
    - People already know what to do.
    - your irritating to hear on squad chat (yes this is a thing) xD
    - SL's what to have freedom to operate they're squads
    - they just plainly dont care about the commander.

    like Kave said Commander is just mainly for spotting and locating enemies on the map.

    here in coop as soon as you found out how to read the Bot movements its easy to make a plan and just redo it over and over again.

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  5. On 5/19/2021 at 9:28 AM, LangMaster said:

    I would like some exploration, rpg like, exping probably classes or professions.

    Adding an economy would be nice too. if we could get specific jobs that no one else can get so they have to hire you to do it for them. 

    - only Farmers can grow plants 
    - only Lumber Jacks can cut trees
    - only Carpenters can make buildings

    this way we can make an Economy relying on a specific Job/Profession to meet our needs. it kinda adds some realism to the game. your not the jack of all trades xD 

    (I'm not sure if theres a Mod the implements this directly but there is a mod out there that gives you Exp and ingame money if your doing your  Job/Profession and takes EXP and ingame money from you if you do stuff that isn't your Job/Profession) 

    I forgot the name of the mod though sorry its been years (X_X)

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