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About bill_golf2000

  • Birthday 03/29/1979

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  1. Yeah, He has a tumor taken out about two months ago. he has texted me a couple of times right after the surgery, but nothing recent. Just wanted to see if any of you had heard anything about his recovery.
  2. Hey men, I wanted to ask if any of you have gotten any update on our brother OMAN to see how he has been doing with cancer/surgery. I have not heard from him or from Dave about what happened with what is going on with him. I hope he is doing well! Can I ask you guys to ask around and see if he OK. He is a great player and friend! Please let me know if any of you know the latest of his status! Rangers Lead the way, HeadShot_Kill_Bill
  3. Hey Men! I wanted to check in with all of you and wanted to see how all of you are doing! I hope all of you that celebrate the holiday season this time of year, that you had great one! I wish all of you a great 2013! I wish my close =VG= friends, Dave & Oman the best! I miss the team work and playing with you guys! Maybe after I get married and I become uninteresting I will be able to get back on and play some Arma or PR. Any how I hope all of you are doing well! Rangers Lead the Way, HeadShot_Kill_Bill
  4. Happy Thanksgiving to all of you! I hope you and your families are thankful for your families and what ever you feel lucky for in this life! Please think about those that don't have much and are wishing to have as much as we have on this special day that our fore fathers chose for us to give thanks to those thing we do have. Love, HeadShot_Kill_Bill
  5. Happy Veteran's Day to all my Brother's I have severed with and those we have lost while protecting this great Nation of ours. Please let's toast those men and women today and remember all of the things they have sacrifiied and some of us take for granted. OUR FREEDOM! Rangers Lead the Way, HeadShot_Kill_Bill
  6. Hey Men! I wanted to check in with all of you. I have been away for a while. Life and planning a wedding has been taking a lot of my time and have not been able to play and with you guys for a while. I miss all of you and the friendships I have made in our community. My best friends Dave and Oman (Nick), I hope you are doing well! I miss you guys. ALLAH SNACK BAR!! I will be around and be check in from time to time and hope to be playing soon. Melon, I hope you are doing well and making great things happen with our games! Poffader, I hope school is doing well for you! Sempler, I hope you and your family are healthy and are happy! BLUD, I wish you and yours all the best! I will be around and will check in from time to time and wish you all the best. Rangers Lead the Way, HeadShot_Kill_Bill
  7. I like the one about the keys locked in the car I will have to try that out
  8. Hey men! Just checking in with everyone. It's been a while since I have played with you all. The new job and planning a wedding has been taking most of my time. I wish everyone well and hope to find sometime soon to play with all of you. Rangers Lead the Way, HeadShot_Kill_Bill
  9. @Sweet...I have had the same problem! What directory do i install it to? Battlefield 2 or PR mod? A walk through would be great!
  10. Keep it Wolfe! I like the magazine ejecting from the Rifle!
  11. You have a great talent Wolfe! Keep it up! They look great!
  12. I miss the good days and missions with BadPloy'd Op. Squad! Him yelling at you the whole way, but getting the mission done the "Right Way"!
  13. http://www.funnyordie.com/videos/8e464776e6/the-navy-seal-who-killed-osama-bin-laden Thanks Blud for ReTweeting this link....I forgot about this video. Super Funny! =VG= HeadShot_Kill_Bill
  14. I would like to thank all the =VG= Members for my membership this past year into your clan and look forward to a great 2012! Thank you to BludKlot for putting up with our S*** and running a great server and keeping us together as a strong clan! Your job is a time consuming one and sometimes a thankless one to keep us going. Thank you! To my fellow clan members, thank you for all the good times playing with the best team players I have found on the internet. It has been so much fun! I look forward to playing with all of you in 2012 and look forward to growing our clan with new players that we all consider =VG= quality! God Bless all of you and have a safe and Happy New Year! Rangers Lead The Way, =VG= HeadShot_Kill_Bill
  15. Happy New Year Men, Thank you for all of your support and I wish all of you a Happy New Year! 2012 Is going to be a Great Year for =VG=. God Bless, =VG= HeadShot_Kill_Bill
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