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Everything posted by NTF_Medic

  1. Some very basic video tutorials here http://www.natotaskforce.org/index.php?id=8&tx_mmforum_pi1[action]=list_post&tx_mmforum_pi1[tid]=932]
  2. BLuD, if you pm me the settings for the server, I can ask our "arma expert" to take a look at them.
  3. Played on your BF server, from aprox 23:30 to 00:40 CEST. From 00:03 to 00:40 CEST the server crashed 3 or 4 times. There was also some minor lags, but not much. Server was not full.
  4. All my mods are updated, so are my game. Launched A2 OA, it loads the mission, but when the loading is done, I'm stuck at the loading screen
  5. I tried to join running OA and the mods, no luck, still the same.
  6. Just downgraded TS to RC1. no problems anymore :-)
  7. Have you encountered TS issues after the update? I experience bad sound quality on my mic after TS was updated. I have checked all settings and they are normal. Also I get a error message every 6 seconds, but this is gone when I disable the ACE plugin or use the TS acre standalone. But still the sound quality is bad. I know that I'm not the only one, have searched TS forum, but no answer. Anyone know how to fix it?
  8. I get the same message. I'm not an expert, but have you installed Arma2 Combined Ops and then the mod?
  9. I disabeled ingame com keys and assigned the radio to CapsLock... done in options screen if I don't remember wrong.
  10. NTF_Medic

    Arma 2 Guide

    You really should try Ace and ACRE, adds realism, 3d sound so you hare direction from where the sound is comming from and better ingame coms.
  11. NTF_Medic


    Found it when I disabeled ACE, ACRE and CBA. Good server :-)
  12. NTF_Medic


    Yeah, tried that Blud, but you didnt show up. You have servers without mods or is it the Fallujah mod you have?
  13. NTF_Medic


    Hi guys, might be a dumb Q from me. I just got ArmaII with OA and Combined ops. However I couldnt fint your server(s), tried with a clean AII and a clean OA.. Disabeled the mods I have (ACE/ACRE/CBA). Note: I'm a arma noob ;)
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