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Posts posted by NTF_Medic

  1. Cool.

    How's the throttle sensitivety on the stick? Good enough or use throttle on kb?

    The x52 costs around 250usd over here ;) X around 50

    Btw the flying itself works fine with KB, especially in the Huey, low altitiude tactical flying. But speed reduction and landings has massiv space for improvment

  2. Rock, hell yeah. Also blues.

    Alltime favorites: ZZ TOP, Metallica, AC/DC and many more...


    Being on a concert with the biggest of the BIG FOUR and ZZ is probably the best things I have ever done, except from getting kids and getting married

    LoL, found this comment on a AC/DC vid ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IqNbalR8pdg&feature=related ):

    You say Lady Gaga, I say Led Zeppelin

    You say Miley Cyrus , I say AC / DC

    You say Kesha,? I say Queen

    You say Jonas Brothers, I say U2

    You say Selena Gomez , I say Guns ' N ' Roses

    You say Justin Bieber, I? say Black Sabbath

    95% of teens these days listen to the same formulaic,? crappy pop? over and over again. If you're one of? the 5% who still listens to real music,? thumb this?? up, then copy and paste it to at least five videos.? Don't let the spirit of rock and roll die!

    Oldies Fan \o/
  3. To get the real gaming experience everyone should be on TS, why not add a welcome message to encourage people to join your TS if thats possible?

    Also, pilots should be on TS. I played on 1Para's server. When you enter a chopper you get a warning to be on TS, if not you get kicked.
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