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About MoonLilly

  • Birthday 08/13/1984

Contact Methods

  • Steam

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Pensacola, FL
  • Interests
  • Occupation
    Work on video game systems

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  1. Might need to reconsider my job. You know it's bad when the guys remodeling the bathrooms over night a carrying live weapons. It isn't like we are back home in New Orleans. 🤔🤔🤔🤔

  2. Steel Ocean here i come! Oh wait its a school night and the kids need baths first. Oh damn! Lol i tried.

  3. Am I over doing it? Some might say yes and others might say no freaking way. I am thinking maybe I am. Lol. On top of everything I am considering starting my own twitch stream.... yep I might be over doing it. For example: games I am playing are Starcraft 2, world of Warcraft, neverwinter, steel ocean, and a mobile game called king of Avalon. I am also running a discord server, helping to manage a new server, and am a part of 4 other servers. In real life I have a job, kids, 4 big dogs, and a husband who can be labeled as a child too. All this and I am thinking of starting a twitch stream. Am I over doing it? Maybe lol. But I like a challenge.
  4. Listening to my fave online radio DJ http://www.paragondawn.com/dawnradio

    And starting up steel ocean. Wish me luck!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. =VG= kiwirambob

      =VG= kiwirambob

      Perfect Lilly .. yes I have as a steam friend .. & I thank you so much .. Baci Baci & cheers

    3. MoonLilly


      You are like the 3rd person i have on steam.

    4. =VG= kiwirambob

      =VG= kiwirambob

      Thank you sweet MoonLilly .. your so very welcome

  5. A groups of friends and myself started a new guild. There is nothing easy about it. After we got back stabbed by our original guild for siding against the Guild leader. We got the boot. Whatever.... I was tired of the power hungry prick anyways. We joined another guild.... This did not end well either. Apparently it is a BIG no no to call people out on crap and raise a stink about double standards. Well what is a gal supposed to do? I will tell ya What. How about starting a new guild? Yeah that's a great idea. So my friends and I started a new guild. It's hard work but I love it. We are like a crazy family. Ya know the ones that you cannot go in public with. They are my crazy gamer family and I love them.
  6. To play Neverwinter or Starcraft 2? Such a hard choice....

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