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=VG= BrakeGamer

VG Clan Member
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Posts posted by =VG= BrakeGamer

  1. Kashan was remade a few months ago, with the remade the coop nav mesh was gone, and it's hard to set it now, since we still got the old navmesh. So what that means is we need to look trough a BIG list of all maps in the game to find kashan, problem is some pepole don't know how to do it or are just lazy. About the Blackhawk I have no idea about that one tbh

  2. Hello everybody, I am looking to upgrade my PC, but as I was playing theese past few days I noticed that a GPU won't be a needed upgrade since my mobo and CPU are bottlenecking the shit out of eachother, I did OC my 5800k but its hot as shit, so I will look into a Motherboard and CPU combo under 250$. AMD is NOT a option here, only Intel as I have learnt my lesson, prefferably an i5, Mobo needs to be GDDR 3 compatible for my currrent 8gig (2x4gigs) GSkill ram, also the gen for the mobo shoud be above 3. Current GPU is a Sapphire R9 270 wich has served me well over the years... So if anybody woud help me figure this out for under 250$ or 250$ I woud be super thankfull, but lower woud be better since in this country everything is like 3000x more expensive than lets say the US.


  3. And yet again, I don't see the point off thees posts, you Basheer where asset stealing, and wasting to an extent, not capping flags in the right order, spamming mortars close to friendlies, insulting admins, and ignoring them. Jaki did the least he coud have done judging by your behaviour, so please next time if you are going to make a forum post, at least provide detail, don't just go here and start calling names with no right to do so. 

    Thats my view of this situation


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