**Addendum - preview resolution sucks, click on image for better quality Alright a quick overview on some common IED devices Blufor may run into - 1st, the artillery shell IED - very concealable and therefore it can be easily missed. It is remote detonated and blast radius can take out exposed inf to roughly 2 blocks away even in prone (as shown in the explosion below). Next, these are IED's that are buried and are also remote detonated (mine/morter IEDs) with the exception of the victim operated water container IED. The latter being powerful enough to destroy light vehicles that run over it. Lasty, for Mech INF, it's quite difficult to pick out buried IED's but the artillery round IED does show up somewhat. Keep in mind that a combat engineer can diffuse IED's by using a wrench - takes no more than 10 seconds or so just make you're in PRONE. As long as we remain vigilant and stay smart about our movements, we can mitigate losses or even avoid the hidden menace all together. Good hunting everyone. Except you Sparky. You stay away. !crazy