=VG= Fastjack LAN_WROTE ... I keep getting kicked for a MD5 mismatch? Any ideas? Reason for this is Blud, Karkand is a vanilla map and DICE created the MD5 for it. MD5 checks the dates of the archivements of the map, if it matched with the MD5 requirements. (have some to do with PB and patch/version checks) Converting and finishing a vanilla map to pr: U changed teams and vehicles from the GPO and init.con etc. To do this u must save ur changes and thats creates (changes) the dates from the files. MD5 checks this and mismatch with the DICE-original archivements dates. Delete the MD5. So far i know, no pr map have any MD5 archive. Greetz I didn't make the map just installed it. And it's not Karkand, but all the others. It only seems I get the MD5 when I alt-tab out for 5 min or so if I continue to play I don't get it.