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VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Blog Entries posted by =VG= BLuDKLoT

  1. =VG= BLuDKLoT
    Sup everyone,
    So I've noticed our Arma servers don't get much use. I think the stuff we host just isn't interesting enough for people to want to play. i've been trying to figure out the best way for us to transform these servers into something people use, so I've checked out a few other popular servers and noticed a few things. 
    There is a server running annex/invade but they have it set up so good that the people that play there are basically like the folks that play PR here. That server lets players know once they're in the game what to do by going to these different stations, which finally places you into a squad where you wait to be picked up. They have static pilots, everyone is geared properly, missions are executed with precision, I love it! You get shuttled into the fight join up with your squad and do the mission. After mission everyone extracts to the same bird, returns to base, debrief, etc... And then get ready to go again. it'really freaking cool! But it can be a little slow at times waiting on people to get ready.  
    I'd love to get our own VG custom A3 server that is all our own development, gfx, in-game stuff, etc.. However, I do not know anything about making custom A3 maps, but I'd be willing to do whatever I could to help make it happen and contribute where I can. I'm fairly savvy, if someone taught me "imma fast learner".  
    Is there anyone else that has thought about this other than me? Do we have anyone at VG with the skills and knowledge enough to make something like this happen? 
    If you want to get together and think this through let's do it! Post up your thoughts and ideas, experience, etc.. let's see if we can do this for at least one of the servers. 
    Think about it! 
  2. =VG= BLuDKLoT
    Sup gamer freaks,
    Wow been I've so busy. Finished the fall semester! Holy shit it feels good. I'm still maintaining a 4.0 GPA and have been for the last year and it feels freakin amazing. College is hard af! So after that ended I went to Vegas to visit fam for a few days with my daughter. Traveling with a young child will wear you the fuck out quick. But we had fun with grandma and grandpa, came home, and my daughter just started daycare again today. Which is awesome because I really need some free time before I start summer classes on June 1st.
    So my plan, I'm going to start hitting the gym again after 2 months of lock down. I'll be on to play some games and basically just trying to chill these last few days before it starts all over again. 
    Anyway, I see you out there.
    Ps - gym still closed. 
  3. =VG= BLuDKLoT
    Sup everyone,
    So a few of you know this, but my favorite band is Trivium! Twice a day Matt Heafy (vocals/guitar) streams via Twitch.

    Basically he plays some songs, then he some pc gaming. I watch everyday and through watching him play Valorant, I got a drop for the game. I installed it today and played a few rounds, it's not something I'm used to playing, but it seems fun so far. 

    A couple things I like about it, it forces team play based gaming which is something we all like. If you die, you're out for the round. Not only that, you lose any weapon you just bought and you'll be forced to start the next round with a pistol until you get enough cash to buy another gun. It's like an economy built into the game. Also, they're very anti cheat. I was in a 5 player game but had to leave early to take a phone call so I closed the game. 10 minutes later I went back to play but got an error message instead that said your team mate has been punished for improper game play. Basically giving me a time penalty before I can play the game again. I'm not sure what they did, or how they got caught, etc.. but I'm assuming it was some kind of cheat. 
    Things I don't like about it, well it's really cartoonish. It reminds me of csgo and those kind of gfx, along with  style of game play. I never got into that game. I was more of a tom clancy guy back in those days. It also has a lot of magic and weird shit I'm not used to using lol. The weapons are also not typical war game weapons, and they take some getting used to, and the recoil on the weapons seems excessive. After a while of playing I got used to it though, but its not my typical choice for gaming. I also don't like losing my gun after getting killed, especially as a noob!  
    I'll keep playing it and if there is anything new or exciting to add I'll let you know. If you want a chance to get a drop, visit the riot site (linked above) and register for the beta. Then just spend some time watching Valorant streams and you could get a drop. Which happens a lot in Matt's stream btw. Check it out!
  4. =VG= BLuDKLoT
    Sup everyone, 
    It's been so long since I've made a blog post. Feels weird. But I think I'm going to try to use this as my place to vent and tell everyone about random shit that probably nobody cares about but me, But it will make me feel good to just say whatever I'm feeling and to just talk about whatever I want. It is my blog right!  
    So yes, it's been forever since I've been able to devote any real time to gaming. Been so busy with school and raising my daughter that there isn't much time left for anything else. I'm really going to try and devote time to this again. I miss it a lot and it feels good to just escape all the bullshit for a few hours. I've been trying to relearn the games I've neglected, that's been fun. I couldn't even remember how to call for transport in PR! My computer seems to be ready to go again, I'm all updated and the worst part is just trying to get the skills back. My semester is about to end in a couple weeks, then I'll have a couple weeks before I start summer classes. I'll try to be on more then too.  
    Anyway, hope to spend more time getting to know you new guys and we'll definitely be playing some games together! 
  5. =VG= BLuDKLoT
    Sup gamer jizzpool,
       I remember back in the day, if you wanted to have some fun online with VG members, we could all be found in PR at some point during the day. As I play more frequently these days, I miss the times with all my old VG bros! It's all new guys now and although I'm still having a good time, I miss not having any of my fellow VG mates to play with (except the regulars). I know times change and we all like our different games these days, but as I view different games to buy, there really aren't any current games out there that appeal to me. I think there are a few games out there that we all might be able to rally behind, but I'm interested to hear your thoughts. Is there a game, or anything else that we can do to bring back more frequent mass clan gaming time? I need some bromancing fuckers this shit getting serious! I'm talking about games where we can all join and play together in. There aren't many, so I was wondering.....what do you think? Non clan members can't post their thoughts or ideas as well please. tyvm! 
    Carry on.
  6. =VG= BLuDKLoT
    Wow so its been a while. I guess the latest and greatest is the recent efforts to bring more maps to PR. Thanks to a few members we're about to have hella fun again playing some of the great old school BF2 maps ported over to play in PR. We had map packs years ago and it was some of the best gaming I've ever been part of. Those days were so much fun! Let's get there again with our new members and friends! I can't wait to play some of those maps again. The members working on the project are doing their best, but it's a lot of work and progress can be slow at times. If anyone in the community would like to contribute to this effort please contact TED to see if you're able to contribute. The more we work together, the faster we can all benefit from this awesome new project! Keep you posted....Blud
  7. =VG= BLuDKLoT
    Sup gamer freaks,
       well here is the latest and greatest regarding this site transition. First off, if you haven't done so already, please delete the archived messages in your inbox. Do this by going to your inbox, selecting the gear icon, then select empty. You will now be able to send/receive PM's on this site. I've tried to PM several members, but can't because your box is full lol. Soooooooo, we've made several upgrades to various features. Donations are now fully automated. If you donate your name and donation amount will appear in the homepage menu after your transaction is complete. This is much better than the  older manual menu we had previously. In fact, it's a good time to test it if you can, could use sum help recovering costs of the new site build  And soooooo anyway The new birthday menu now displays all bdays, but still only 5 in the menu, if you click the show all button you'll get a pop up with the remaining bdays. (also can be found on calendar) make sure we send presents to blud on his birthday next year because he got jack shit this year. The forum content has been fully migrated, I pruned some categories but not many.  As for the few posts that were started when the site initially launched, they are gone forever. (like that cometchat poll all lost during 2nd migration) I'm trying to get all clan members into our own group, but for now if you're in the clan, please put on your tags.. =VG=.. this can be done via your account settings, then change your display name. Also, Semler has started writing articles for the site again. This takes a little time and provides great info for the community. Please take a minute to read the articles, share them in your networks, leave comments, etc.. Show your support! I've also started uploading files to the download section. If you have content for the community please upload your data! Lets get our download section back up again, it was a huge part of the site. (before it was killed like a hooker I met last night). If you have some good stuff let's get it uploaded! If you need help lemme know. The background image picker has also been changed. Now, the Veterans Gaming gfx are fixed in that position. Have up to 6 background blocks (only using 4) for members to choose backgrounds from. If you have some good backgrounds for us, let's show them in the gallery and the ones with the most love we'll rotate into the selection? It's hard to find images to fit just right due to how it resizes so some might now work, or display at all just fyi png files seem to work best. So anyway, that's it for now. If you have any thoughts or suggestions post them here and we'll talk about it. 
    I want to send thank you's to everyone that helped me get things done. Semler, Solar, Savage for sure you guys do so much on the rear end I bet it hurts at times, and also especially big TY to aseptik (luca) for taking all the explanations from my imagination and making them reality. Thanks bro you are an amazing coder freak of nature. And we're not done yet! 
    Tchau foolios,
  8. =VG= BLuDKLoT
    Sup gents,
    So while trying to get the site dialed in and get myself familiarized with the new features I've noticed lots of cool new things! First, I'm trying to get all =VG= guys into the group named "VG Clan Members" and also to get active and contributing VG guys displayed on the staff page.  BUT, there are so many VG guys who have left, but not officially left, that I'm not sure who to put in the Staff Directory. My goal is to add all current active members and contributors to the Staff Directory, while adding all VG clan guys into to VG Clan Member Group. If you can help me with this by adding people to their respective groups I'd appreciate it. Also, all VG guys will have moderator access, so if you need permissions send me a PM. However, only certain VG guys will have full site admin. Mod's can do everything required to help manage the site and police the forums. All I ask is that you don't change anything, or mess with any settings that you do not clearly understand. If you have any questions just ask me first before you do anything you're not sure of. I'm also trying to get the download section finished, if you can help with uploading and listing files please let me know. I appreciate the help getting things in order. We're also working on getting the old rank system set up to work on this site and we have a few other surprises on the way. Thanks to everyone for their support and love for our community. 
    much love,
    (could also use gfx for the user selected backgrounds in the theme. I'm just using old banners, I'm sure we could do better!) 
  9. =VG= BLuDKLoT
    Sup everyone,
    Well just when I thought the site was done and finished, boy was I wrong. I guess a majority of e107 content didn't properly migrate so we may have to re import the old site again. I'm pretty sure it won't affect how this site is now, as we can just update that re migration with a back up from this site, but it may require the site to be offline. We're also experiencing errors viewing profiles and certain activity streams. We're aware of this error 4096 and are working on a solution. Bare with us while we work out the kinks and just know that we'll get it fixed. Sorry for any disruptions and my bad attitude, but holy shit I've had a bad couple months. I just love this shit so much it really gets to me when things aren't going right.  I'm going to work on that tho 
  10. =VG= BLuDKLoT
    Hello everyone,
     We hope you like the new site. Have a look around, there are lots of great new features! If you find any bugs, or have any suggestions please let us know! We want to make this new site great for everyone. 
    VG Blud
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