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Posts posted by TrentBrown

  1. Those are cool videos. I love getting in squads that work together well like that....makes for a fun night. It's great that PR is more about doing my best playing a particular role in a squad rather than just going out and "lone-wolfing" it.

    I love watching PR videos on youtube. Dbzao's channel is also really good. http://www.youtube.com/user/muitocomplicado He is really good/quick with squad info commands, keeping the squad informed of the current objective, and observe/contact markers. I just really like the way he leads squads. I'm no where near his skill yet at being a SL, but i'd like to get there someday :)
  2. I really like driving around armor, so I'd be down!

    I could see it getting old fast, though, having to wait around for a while before my ride pops back up w/o the option to go infantry (If I'm lucky and no one steals my ride before I can jump back into it)

    Would this also be an opportunity for VG to get a mumble server going? It would be nice if just the gunner and driver could communicate w/o needing to use VOIP to the whole squad.
  3. I was on the servers a bunch yesterday and noticed that there are now bots on both teams. I was playing a round in the training server @ Ramiel and when I came into the map, I came in on the insurgency side. Some players on the US team were saying that they thought we weren't allowed to be on the insurgency. It was my first time playing for the insurgency and I must say it was a lot of fun to play against bots and humans...and less mechanical than the usual "go out and shoot retarded bots" type of play. Even though the US won the map, I still had an absolute blast!!

    Technically, I didn't team-switch...but I wasn't playing on the US side which I've always done, either. Since the bots were split 50/50 between the teams, I personally didn't think that it was a big deal, but I want to get some sort of official yay or nay on the matter from the admins. I don't want to be stepping on ground that I shouldn't be.

    Thanks for the awesome servers!!!!
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