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=VG= Terremer

VG Clan Member
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Posts posted by =VG= Terremer

  1. I know Poff was trying, and apparently the server has to have some sort of graphics on it (i.e. it can actually run the game normally). There isn't true dedi software for it, you essentially install the game and host a server on it. You can disable the 3d rendering so that the server doesnt have to process it.

  2. So I've been playing DCS World (specifically DCS A-10) a whole lot in the last week or two, and was wondering if there were others that would be interested in playing as well. The base game is free, and is basically a world that you can add different DCS flight sims to and use them all together in one mission. It includes the SU-25T Frogfoot as a free sim, so you can at least fly something if you don't want to spend money for extra modules.

    Modules you can buy and use in game are: A-10C, SU-25T Frogfoot, F-15C. UH-1H Huey, P-51D Mustang, Ka-50 Black Shark, Mi-8 MTV2, and the Flaming Cliffs addon which includes the F-15C, A-10A, Su-25, Su-27, Su-33. You can also get the Combined Arms addon and use the ground vehicles, act as JTAC, and other things (I'm not really familiar with this one).

    There's a sick mission editor built in and plenty of cool user created ones. All of the modules that aren't part of flaming cliffs include clickable cockpits and I think they also all include tutorials.

    I have the A-10 and F-15 modules, and they're both a lot of fun. I've been playing lately with two others, and I know a few people here have DCS modules as well like Poff and Iffn.

    We were trying to set up a dedi server for DCS World, but apparently the host server has to be able to run DX9...

    Anyways, it would be cool if we could get some people flying and maybe find out how to get a server up. I know that BMS is really popular around here, so there seems to be an interest in flight sims. Maybe if we get enough people we could do some events or something.
  3. Fresh batch of DCS screenshots!
    If I try to embed these images in links, the links don't work..but you can open them in a new tab to get the full resolution.

    Fun with smoke

    It was getting dark during this mission

    GBU cam

    Some seals extracting some HVTs, some neat scripting in this mission

    Into the sunset

    Got the F-15C module today..going to take some getting used to
  4. it was just a server I was hosting locally for me and 2 others. I just got a hotas a week or two ago so I'm still learning the A-10. I know others like poff, iffn, coldnfreezin etc have played DCS as well. We'll have to get some missions going.
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