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Everything posted by TAC-1

  1. Hey guys, it's been a long time hope all of you guys are doing well. Anyways, I'm back to BMS, and will install 4.37.6 tonight. I will also set up a backup server if we need it, will be available. Just working on it now. Thanks and be safe ..
  2. I'll have my backup server running if you guys need it until then...I'll let you know when it's up..
  3. I'm already motivated, its been years, kids are grown, the whole world seams awake!! Cheers!!
  4. TAC-1


    Oh man, yes..LOL My bad...
  5. Hello all, its been a long, long time since I've been here. Glad and happy to be back. Anyways, hope everyone had a blessed holiday. Cheers!!
  6. Comms menu has added upload/download speeds, what is the best speed, same as 1500?
  7. I always wondered why BMS team didn't acquire the license from the very beginning, it was their idea and project what is Falcon today, now we have this Company making $$$, instead of BMS. They seen how big it gotten over the years, but it was a smart and fast move!! I'm happy what I have, no need for updates!!! Cheers!!
  8. Yes i know, but still I cant run it. Lags to much even with all settings off, but then it look so ugly...LOL. I have 4.32 maxed out.
  9. Hello all, Just wanted to let you all know that although 4.33 is a huge improvement over .32, looks like I will stay put with 4.32 for the time being. Just keep up the good work and thanks to the VG and their staff for keeping this going and making this place exciting and helping all of you that needed help, specially for people who enjoy this realistic Sim. And no, I am not leaving this place...LOL, I will be around.. !thx Thanks VG!! Tac
  10. Tux139, I also can't run 4.33 at this time, back to 4.32 as well.
  11. Look like a lot of people are having lots of problems, but I also wanted to thank all of the VG staff for their hard work and dedication to this great Organization, but I think its the Sim its self that needs to be corrected/fixed. But for myself, I had to stay with .32 for the moment until I get a powerful machine. Have fun guys!!
  12. Meiz, I will be up and running soon, im just tweaking my settings at this time. Try to hop on TS when you can....Thanks
  13. Alright thanks, and I dont fly the campaign just TE for now. Thanks. Tac
  14. Is possible to leave 4.32 in place for others that have low end pc's??? Thanks guys.
  15. Welcome Pinefang to VG, I am here to help. make sure you PM on here so I can meet you over on TS.
  16. TAC-1


    Quick flight near Osan Ab.
  17. If you need help let me know, I get all my pm's through my Smartphone.
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